Automatically Play Songs While File Download is in Progress

It’s boring to wait for a file to copy, or a bulky application (Photoshop, for example) to install on your computer. I have come across an app – Instant Elevator Music, which elevates your mood while waiting for these slow progress bars to finish.


  • Instant Elevator Music (IEM) basically detects progress bars, application lags and starts playing music, so you no longer need to frown.
  • Currently IEM supports everywhere there’s a progress bar, along with that apps like DownThemAll, Teracopy etc. are also supported. It comes preloaded with a music file, you can add your own music to it, supports pretty much all the popular music formats.
  • You can tell IEM to not play music when there’s a song playing already, for that, check the music tab in settings. There’s also a ignore list, where you can add programs, so IEM won’t play music when they’re lagging or if they have progress bars.

As you guessed, it’s portable (just copy the program folder to your USB and you’re good to go) and stays in the system tray to work. You can put it to startup from the settings menu. IEM does one thing and does it perfectly, that’s what I like in it.

Check out Instant Elevator Music and tell us if it made your Windows’ experience entertaining.

Link: Instant Elevator Music

One Comment

manish October 24, 2011

Great share friend. 🙂

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