Today Apple’s iPod turns 10 [Video]

When Steve Jobs returned to Apple, it was a company whose computers were over-priced and it was having serious challenges in the computer making business. Apple today is synonymous with the term ‘Post PC Era’ simply because they have moved away from the being computer makers towards making gadgets like iPod, iPhone and iPad tablets.

Apple has made a fantastic turnaround in the last 10 years so much so, that it has even overtaken Microsoft this year.

This turn around started 10 years ago, when Steve Jobs presented the iPod. The MP3 music player, which he perfectly described with the quote “A 1000 songs in your pocket”.

Also included below is a video of the event from 10 years ago; when Jobs introduced the iPod to the world.


It might be worth noting that even Apple fans were sceptical about Apple getting into the gadget industry away from its computer base.

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One Comment

Arun Sathiya October 23, 2011

Happy b’day iPod. Have a good year ahead.

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