Now Tweet directly from your Webcam

Now you can directly tweet your videos live from your Webcam on your computer.You just need to use your Twitter username and password, and hit the Webcam Capture. Simple!

The service is now available on the two rival and

Both of them have been racing to bring the service first on their platform, which allowed tweeting of only recorder videos so far. Reports indicate that finally managed to win the race.

image122 and have added the functionality of providing APIs that let other sites integrate into their services, thus helping them with distribution. is also going to start support for the real-time streaming very soon.

The fight between the two rivals is beginning to get pretty serious. More than just names, the services too are confusingly similar.

And as always, the “real” winners in any such competition are the end users. So, let’s sit back and enjoy the charm of the upcoming new features on these sites, while they can continue to compete amongst themselves!

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rahul May 26, 2009

i will try this new feature.

Nishant Soni May 28, 2009

According to me, tweeter is perfect FAIL. I tried twitter a couple of times and i don’t see any type of opportunities. If ya got some skills or content in your site then backlinking, guest articles, signatures , SEO should be more than enough.


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