Top 1000 sites listed by Google Adplanner

Top 1000 sites listed by Google Adplanner which has Facebook and Yahoo ranked number 1 and 2 respectively. Google has also excluded all its own websites like Search and YouTube from being listed.

We all know about Alexa Rankings for websites and it is common knowledge amongst website owners that even if we did not take Alexa as a true representation for traffic on a website it is something that internet advertisers often take seriously. This is where Google has started to take action by making it easy for advertisers to recognize which website suits their advertising needs.

So Google has now its own list of Top 1000 sites ranked according to unique visitors. Interestingly they have excluded their own websites like and Youtube from the rankings.

About Google’s List of top 1000 sites

  • The #1 ranked website is Facebook and Yahoo is ranked #2. This is quite interesting in the absence of any website by Google not showing up in the rankings.
  • For every site you can see unique visitors, Page views, site category and if the website has any ads.
  • You can also look up any website’s data from Google from it’s Ad Planner website. If you own the the website you are looking up can also opt in and let the website use your websites traffic data from Google Analytics.

So what do you think about Google’s decision not to include its own websites from being ranked? I guess it opens up two questions which are Is Google trying to hide its number from being compared or is this a way for Google to avoid others trying to say it is not fair when it comes to ranking its own websites?

What do you think about it? Do drop in your comments with your views.

Link: Google’s Top 1000 Sites


murugappan May 30, 2010

it shows ranks of only top 1000 websites, therefore maynot be as much use to newly established blogs/websites. therefore, they may stick to alexa rather than google’s doubleclick adplanner.
what say?

Aditya Kane June 2, 2010

Alexa is a still pretty much the best way to see if your blog is climbing up on a broad basis…