Protect your Email address by converting it into an image

As a blogger I end up entering my email address far more often than I ever planned to. I have a email address specifically meant for such cases as in case these websites are explored by spam bots. The last thing you want is spam mail to make its way in its hundreds into your Inbox. There are many ways of inserting email address on to the internet so that it does not come back to haunt you thanks to spam.

As a blogger I end up entering my email address far more often than I ever planned to. I have a email address specifically meant for such cases as in case these websites are explored by spam bots. The last thing you want is spam mail to make its way in its hundreds into your Inbox. There are many ways of inserting email address on to the internet so that it does not come back to haunt you thanks to spam.

One very very popular method is to replace @ with [at]. So it ends up showing my email id as aditya.kane[at] Another method is also to use [dot].


About Image 4 me

  • Image 4 me is a internet service which allows you to write out your email id and create an image.
  • It also stores this image allowing you to insert in within the web-page with either HTML code. This is quiet handy as image is not hosted on the website.
  • Before creating the image of the email id you have the option to customize it’s look regarding background and also even font. This can give you the option of uniformity with the website layout or design while displaying your email id.


  • Here is an example of my email id being displayed here as an image.

So now you can email me and I do not need to worry about spam bots making a nuisance of themselves to my Inbox. Let me know if you find this tool useful. Do drop in your comments.


Gautam February 1, 2010

This is simple to make with PHPGD.

RRH February 1, 2010

Nice post, Well Can we created the image myself in photoshop ?

Rishabh Agarwal February 2, 2010

And just for info, Facebook also uses same technique to list emails under the “more-info” tab of users.

Yes you can. But that would be like using a sword for the work of a needle 😛

Aguinaldo February 2, 2010

Another good service is [ ].

joseph April 21, 2010

nice info. thanks