Google Keep is a service that was launched as a Evernote competitor. Basically, it is a note taking and list making service that users Google Drive. Google Drive allows Google Keep to sync these notes and lists across devices and platforms.
Google Keep has not seen many updates since it was launched except yesterday, it got a very useful update to add time reminders and also locations on notes and lists.
Now with every note there are two options. One is to add a time based reminder and the other is to add a location.

The new options will work great with your mobile phone. A updated Google Keep app will show with a ‘remind me’ button. Google Keep has also been integrated with Google Now. This helps with those update cards and will help remind users on important meetings and deadlines.
Google Keep could get really interesting if it allows users to share their notes and lists with other Google account users.
The update is being rolled out gradually on Android app but the feature shows up on web version of Google Keep and also the Chrome add-on.
Link: Google Keep