Facebook Got Hovercard Feature

Today I noticed quite interesting feature of Facebook. Facebook got Hovercard. Earlier Facebook announced that it is going to add Hovercard feature and finally it’s live.

When we hover mouse to our friend’s name, Interesting pages or applications, a small popup will appear which will show that how many of our friends like that page or how many mutual friends we have. Apart from Mutual friends, the feature also gives you number of Facebook users who “ Like” the Facebook application or page.

Facebook Hovercard

Facebook Hovercard 1

It is a great feature, you can even hover a mouse to an event and check out how many users are going to attend that event. You might also find new friends with same interest by checking out the hovercards on pages that interest you. As, the hovercard feature also lets you know about the number of Facebook user who “Like” the page, you will easily know the popularity of any application or page before liking it.

Twitter and Friendfeed already have this feature and now Facebook have also launched. Facebook might have copied the idea but I guess it’s worth copying.

What you think about new hovercard feature of Facebook?

One Comment

Bosky July 1, 2010

LinkedIn ‘s hovercards which were used for years paved the way for hovercards used on any blog/site. Twitter’s hovercards also a step in this direction, and it’s no surprise thatfacebook is following suit.

The usage statistics we’re seeing usage of these hovercards at 1 hover for every 4 pageviews, indicates a wide acceptance of hovercards as a accessability and for contextual browsing experiences. A far cry from the days of intext where advertising ruled the roost. I expect more companies to either partner with companies like Hover.in, Apture, Glue, Zemanta or come up with their own versions of hovercards to boost what the one problem that they solve well. Distribution.

ceo @hoverin