Facebook tweaks its search capabilities to give better results

Facebook is a online community that is buzzing with a lot of friends, fan pages, groups and not to forget the all important apps. Facebook recently announced better search capabilities with Facebook which will allow us to look for things that are really important.

This tweak is not really a tweak of the search capability which is something that in all fairness we cannot really test. But what is good now is that while you start typing you get search results as drop down like in the image below.

The new tweak is that as you can see in the image I typed in Devil in the search box and got the first result as Devils Workshop fan page. This one pops up because I am a fan of it.

The results after that are either because they are friend of mine on Facebook who are fans of certain pages or groups. It works the same with friends also. If you searching for someone ideally the ones with whom you share mutual friends will show up first in the results.

Also the number of results being displayed has increased. This is mainly with a view of allow the user to not visit the search results page and find what they want on the profile page itself.

What do you think about these tweaks? Drop in your comments with your views.