How To Get Back Your Hacked Gmail/Orkut/Google Account!

Orkut Gmail Google Account Hacked

This is my official reply to all mails/comments/scraps asking me how to get back hacked Gmail/Orkut/Google Account. Everyone should read this no matter how safe you think you are! 😉

As Google Account is a single account used across all Googles services like Gmail, Orkut, Blogger, Adsense, Checkout. etc, it can turn out to be our worst nightmare if it gets hacked!

Like many other online services Google tries to protect your account with secret question as well as optional secondary email address. But there is one more official option which only Google Provides!

Now lets go step-by-step…

#1. Trying “Forget Password” Option

I know this will not work in most cases, as options like forget password rely on secondary email address and security question, both of which can be easily changed once a account gets hacked. Still you should try atleast once as most password gets hacked by script kiddies and not by real hackers.

So go to Forget Password form first!

#2. What if “Forget Password” Option Fails

You can submit a form to Google in which you can provide details about your Google Account usage.

Details include information which most likely only real owner can provide. Here are few things for example…

  • Last successful login date
  • Account creation date
  • Google products you used with this account and the date you started using each one
  • Details about Orkut account (if you use Orkut)
  • Details about Blogger account (if you use Blogger)

Now most important part is what they quoted on the form,

“Please answer each question as thoroughly and accurately as possible. If you’re not certain about some of the information, provide your closest estimate. Whether or not we can return your account depends on the strength and accuracy of your responses.”

So I will suggest following things…

  • Your goal should be to give Google maximum & accurate data! So take your time and submit form with maximum amount of information possible. You can consult your trusted friends if you are not sure. As an example it could be Sam or Bob who invited you on orkut. If you are not sure call them up and ask it!
  • Submit only one form! Yes this should be common sense. Do not submit multiple forms. A person who uses around 10-15 Google products asked me if he can submit multiple forms mentioning different Google products.
  • Submit form from the place which you use most often to access your account like PC at home! Although they haven’t mentioned this explicitly, line above submit button says, “Please note that we need your IP address in order to resolve this issue. Your IP address will be captured automatically when you submit this form.”

Finally Contact Form is here!

I advise everyone to have a look at this form and information it asks. You can prepare a document about secret info, may be in cell phone or pen down it on a paper. This will come handy if something goes wrong in future! 🙂

I guess I have offered my best possible help on the issue. It may or may not work but thats all I can do. So do not mail me asking to hack any account! 😉

Update: If you don’t remember any detail required in the form or you just don’t get any reply from Google after submitting the form, please create a new account. There is no other option. Sorry. (Jan 31, 2008)

Related Article: How To Deal With Your Duplicate Profile / Impersonation on Orkut!

image[On Personal Note: Our blog has crossed 1000 FeedBurner reader count today for the first time. Thank you all for your love & support! I will try my levels best to keep you feeding best content… 🙂 ]


TechPavan March 15, 2008

Nice tips…. congrats….

Rahul Bansal March 15, 2008

Thanks… [:)]

shikha August 21, 2010

CAN u pease tell me wat to do if my orkut account is hacked and the security question is changed or they never show the q

antaryami pradhan October 26, 2010

I have forget my passsword and dont know my security questions. so how can i access my google account.

sam green October 29, 2010

in google crome orkut is not opning so what can i do plzzzz help me

harsha July 29, 2011

i cant access my password, it is showing incorrect username ans password please help me out. i lost all the important contacts.

loko June 8, 2010

Thx, nice article. I had mi acc hacked, got it back. I think our governments should catch them.

Rajat December 2, 2010

how did you get back that hacked account?

rajesh August 3, 2011

i reset my gmail id

deepak October 5, 2011

hi dear i m deepak i have my password of gtalk a/c but i forget the security question then how can i open my id because if i m puting my id and password then open window is open and he wants to know security question …… plz help what can i do ……

soleh March 15, 2008

Thanks for the info

Rahul Bansal March 18, 2008

Your welcome buddy! 🙂

faaa July 16, 2010


riachopda November 10, 2011

thanks buddy for welcome us.and plz help me out when i open my gmail account in office by offical computer why its shows my email address and password.did you know? so plz tell me.i m waiting 4 ur ans. b.bye tk cr……….

Angel March 15, 2008

Hi Rahul,

I wanna let you know only one thing: I really enjoy very very much your site since my first visit a few days ago. It’s great, fantastic, one of my faves for sure!! Thanks for the tips and help on all posts which I’ve read as often as I can. Keep up with the good job, God bless you!

Greetings from Brazil. 🙂

Rahul Bansal March 18, 2008

Your welcome buddy…. Thanks for nice comment and words of appreciation… 🙂

tanmay April 11, 2008

the page is nt opening ???

Rahul Bansal April 12, 2008

Must have been temporary problem. I just checked the link and its opening. 🙂

teja April 18, 2008

CAN u pease tell me wat to do if my orkut account is hacked and the security question is changed and i have no access to know wat the scurity question is

Rahul Bansal April 24, 2008

First sorry for late reply buddy… 🙁
Now Orkut account is no different than Google account so go on and submit the form I mentioned in above post… 🙂

saravanakumar June 22, 2010


i tried the both step but i can’t get back my id..
it is very important some using my id and scaned documents. pls help me to get back

jaagriti April 27, 2008

can u please help me in retreiving my old passowrd as somebody has changed the password of my gmail account.

my id on gmail is

Rahul Bansal May 3, 2008

Read above post first.
If you have any trouble submitting form, let me know 🙂

Rakesh May 17, 2008


Can u beleive this !

I used ur tip and




Rahul Bansal May 18, 2008

Thats a great update for all of us. 🙂
Thanks for sharing… 🙂

srikanth February 22, 2013

Hi, im not able to open my account from last 12days. i think someone hacked one id. there have changed my password, mobile number, secondary email id. i submitted form multiple times but if other person opening its showing. Problem as been Solved. but im not able to open my account. Please help me.

harsh June 24, 2008

hey rahul vat u hv written above is true bt my email id was hacked n i filled this form….google said dat v cnt give ur password back bt cn delete ur orkut account if u give us d right information…n ven i gave d rt. information they deleted my orkut account….bt the problem is dis dat my email id still exists n dat person who hacked ma profile cn still use it……hw cn i get back my password of email id…..

Rahul Bansal June 24, 2008

Sorry to here that buddy… 🙁
Now how can be you sure about your email id being in use?
If you have some more info contact Google again and ask them to delete entire Google account this time.

Sarfaraz September 8, 2008


last night my orkut account was working propery
byt whrn i m ooginh my orkut account its showing that ur acccount was deleted wht shoud i do fo reactive my orkut account i want all my albums , scraps and friends plzplz plz its is very importnat to me
plz do some thik or give me the solution how i can active my orkut account my email id is

Rahul Bansal September 8, 2008


I don’t think you can get back your account easily. Best way is to contact Google for support!

Also try this ASAP, it may work..

  1. It looks like you use Gmail, so login to Gmail first.
  2. Then open Orkut in new window/tab.
  3. You may see Join Orkut option as your old Orkut account is deleted.
  4. Then click on join and you may see option like "restore" old account.
kuldeep January 22, 2011

hi …. can u pls tell me the way of knowing the date of creation of gmail account …. i was try all the thing i know ….., have diff thng ……..? pls its urgent

sidharth mishra September 17, 2008

hey,tat was a wonderfull tip…but plz can u suggest me how to get my deleted orkut account reactivated…it actually got delted accidentally… plz help me….

Rahul Bansal September 18, 2008

@sidharth mishra – Already answered! Check above comments.

tim spring October 8, 2008

Is there a way to copy my complete account to a duplicate account. i want to copy everything all my received and sent e-mail and my chats.

I want to start a new chapter in my life and keep everyting, but not in this account. i want to keep all the dates and times of e-mail and chats intact.

Rahul Bansal October 10, 2008

@tim spring
If you want to start using a new email and if your new and old email id is using gmail, then there is a very lengthy but nice workaround.
Do let me know if that is your case, so I will post about it in details. 🙂

mocherla_p October 26, 2008


my gmail id has been hacked & i have filled the above mentioned form.but the problem is that hacker changed both my security question & secondary email id….so how can i ask google to cancel my gmail & orkut accounts???

pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease help me

april November 2, 2008

Yes, those options do not work if the hacker changes the account ID and secondary email address.
I cannot have my password emailed to me.
I cannot even submit a gmail form with another email address as it says my account id is incorrect!
I tried to email gmail and fill out every other form I could on their site.
I have 4 business email addresses that I link into this gmail account. One of them was set up to ‘send mail as’, so my account was hijacked and it sent spam to all my contacts as my work email address! I’ve since changed the passwords on these other accounts.
Now, my entire account is still compromised and I don’t even know how to tell gmail about it!
Any other suggestions?

kshitij November 25, 2008

hi dude..i cnt access my orkut n gmail account…smn1 sended me a scrap view my profile as soon i clicked my profile showed hacked by jack….n once i logged out i couldnt log in again…plz tell me d way

Rahul Bansal November 25, 2008

Have you tried following instructions given in this post?
There is no other way…

sneha November 29, 2008

can u please help gmail has been hacked and if i try the above procedure given by u(i did it many times and it worked before)it seems to be a prob.i got a reply that my account has been disabled.please help me to get it hacked email id is
thanks in advance

Rahul Bansal December 1, 2008

There is no other option. If this doesnt work for you, you have to open a new account. Sorry. 🙁

Utkarsh December 15, 2008

Hi Rahul.
it looks that u can solve my problem.
friends i had an orkut account as
but now its ID has changed to
and so the password is also not working.
i never tried to change my ID but still it got changed.
what should i do ?

Rahul Bansal December 16, 2008

Sorry buddy, I never came across such a problem!!!
Better seek official support from google/orkut help groups. If they don’t help you, noone else can. 🙁

deepak May 15, 2010

i created a gmail account… i know username of course.. but also the password at that time. is it possible to regain it based on this info; though at present the security que and password have been changed?

prashanth December 20, 2008

hiiiiii my google account has been disabled i dont know why when ever i ever i try to login it says sorry,account has been disabled how can i get my google account back its my primary id all my important mails are in that my id is can plzzzzzz any one help me out or tell me what to do how can i get back my google account

Rahul Bansal December 20, 2008

Once your account is disabled by Google, there is no way to get it back. 🙁

ayaan December 23, 2008

hi…i thnk some body hack my orkut a/c n delete my id… tell tat how can i recover my id….plss ……rply me soon …on my mail add…..

Rahul Bansal December 24, 2008

There is no way to recover deleted orkut account. Sorry for your loss. 🙁

riachopda November 10, 2011

hey……..ayaan how r u?if u think that someone hacked ur id so go on your mail setting again download your account or reset it. it would be helpful 4 u ok…..b.b.bye tk cr….

jagmeet singh December 24, 2008

hey plz can u tell me that what should i do now………….my orkut account was hacked n by ur tips i got back but it is used by both of us the hacker n me what should i do plz help

Rahul Bansal December 24, 2008

Change your password. Simple! 🙂

deepro July 25, 2010

it sounds funny……i no its not……….the same thing happened to me…….one of my friend told me to change my password 3 times in 3 days…… did it… worked for me….

hamza December 26, 2008

my user name has also been changed wat to do now???????

Rahul Bansal December 29, 2008

Username can not be changed for sure.

Aditi January 2, 2009

Rahul, my account is hacked since last 2 years….n still active i need its acces for once for sake a few contacts n deleting it forever.Its i have filed that form however i dont know the dates :(…

Please help

Ayesha January 25, 2009

hey i have tried this process several time and nothng happen?

Aishwarya January 31, 2009

It doesn’t works?
What to do now?

alina January 31, 2009

kindly u can tell me i dont want to del my account on orkut.What should i do now?
plz plz plz ans me now..

Rahul Bansal January 31, 2009

@Aditi, Ayesha, Aishwarya & Alina
If you don’t remember any detail required in the form or you just don’t get any reply from Google after submitting the form, please go ahead n create a new account.
There is no other option.

prashanth February 1, 2009

hiiiiii alll u people google account if once disabled u can get back i myself got back my account .. u have to request or contact google for this than they will verify it ur account will be under investigation and if correct then u will get back your account within 48hrs just try it

Priyank March 20, 2009

Som1 has hacked my rediffmail account.
what to do he has ,change my security question too.
what to Do please suggest.

Help me………………..Please

Rahul Bansal March 28, 2009

No idea if rediff provides similar support… 🙁

amit April 4, 2009

heyy how much time they would take to reply to the contact form?

Rahul Bansal April 4, 2009

No idea. It can take upto few days to a week or even more.
Also it may happen, Google may not reply if they find information filled to be considerably wrong.

rashmi April 13, 2009

hey pls help…on april 7th 2009 i logged on to my gmail account could log in..but again i tried logging in n it said password incorrect..i don remember the answer for the security question..[:(] so i tried filling d form…i have not created any labels in tat id..n i think i cud not provide strong information to confirm tat i own d account…n google din return d ownership to me…now my prob is i hav d offer letter of tcs n isro in d mailbox wic i hav to access at any cost…plssssssssssss help me.

shivani April 14, 2009

what to do when password is hacked and the security question is changed plz help

Rahul Bansal April 22, 2009

You are supposed to follow procedure listed in above post!

Anand Jain April 15, 2009

Thans Lot this topic help me to get my account back and m success to get my account back..?

gurman April 17, 2009

hey bro do tell me i actually created my gmail acc and i gave the email id on which my orkut was based then i deleted my g mail id and now they also removed my id from google ie and i am not also able to login to orkut by my secondary id .when i try they tell me no account based on this id but when i search for my id from someone else account thet show my account. i want my acc back plz do tell me what to do plzplzpzlzpzlzplz…:( 🙁

Rahul Bansal April 22, 2009

I guess you accidentally deleted your Orkut account. Nothing can be done now. 🙁

rajat April 23, 2009

my gmail a/c is hacked, i know when i logged in first time because he did not change the password then i change my password; security answer and browser too. but he did it again today and this time he change the password [after first time hacking i used to properly log out ] how he can hack my id again ? what should we do to prevent id hacking ?

Rahul Bansal April 30, 2009

He must have installed keylogger on your system!

rajat April 25, 2009

thanks Rahul bhai ! your tip save my life. I get back my id
and delete that after making backup.

Prashant Shukla May 1, 2009

helloo Rahul sir.
i visited ur site once suggested by mah frnd. I lkked somuch dis site. It is a gud site to help others.
sir may i know what hv u done in study? IF U wish 2 tell.
i become ur Fan.
so i wanna meet u.
is it possible?

Rahul Bansal May 8, 2009

Thanks for your appreciation Prashant.
You can see my linkedin profile for details –

sanchit May 4, 2009

in how much time after submiting the form to google i would receive an email??

Rahul Bansal May 8, 2009

Most probably in 4-5 days max.
Also if Google rejects your form, they generally do not acknowledge that. 🙁

rajat May 10, 2009

i get email from gmail within 30 minute ; i submit the form late night.

Jatin Singh May 18, 2009

Hey orkut account was hacked and tht person added porn sits in my ID…there were many ppl in my profile and they thought i added them…

chinnaben May 19, 2009

hi dude,somebody created an account on orkut in da name of my friend,doing some stuff,so how can we delete that account ,could u please temme how can i do this ..its urgent..

Ishan May 25, 2009

i am in a great trouble!!my orkut account is not opening.i type the correct details but it says wrong id or password.i tried many times but with no result.
please help me as soon as possible!!

pari June 1, 2009

i have deleted my yahoo account through which i was login into orkut… now i am not able to login in my orkut account….how to open my account …please help me out …..

sanjana June 4, 2009

hey..i think somebody has hacked my orkut profile.when i m entering the correct username and password bt its showing incorrect what should i do.i m using yahoo id on orkut..

Rahul Bansal June 5, 2009

Follow steps listed in above post.
Yahoo email address won’t make any difference.

midhun June 7, 2009

hey rahul.i cannot access my orkut account.everything will be alright till i type the password and username.when i press SIGNE IN
on the left down corner of the screen they say DONE.after that the screen is blank
i think it has been friends said that there are vulger pictures in my profile now.plz help me.i need to retrive my profile

sidhi June 9, 2009

i m giving d rit password n id bt dey r teling dat id or password is incorrect
is it hacked?????
if so hw 2 gt it bak??????

bakaraju.sanjay June 11, 2009

i mean to sday that i have not used the yahoo acc since many days and i for got my yahoo password if i ask ggole hepl it says we will send you your new pass to your yahoo id but i forgot it pass na how to know the new pass of my orkut plz help me………..

abhishek June 12, 2009

hello friend my orkut account is not opening. its showing invalid password or username.
and my primary id is also not verified.
now how 2 get my id back.plz help me friend.

Rahul Bansal June 16, 2009

Yes. Follow steps listed above.


First follow yahoo account’s forget password wizard to get new yahoo password.
Then ask Orkut to send password reset link to yahoo


Follow forget password wizard.


Try logging into Gmail first and then open
If Gmail login doesnt work, follow forget password wizard.

edwin June 13, 2009

plz help me…i had registered ma orkut account with yahoo id….and inside that i have given my gmial id….a mail came ma gmail id has been upgraded…since then i cant access my account…tell me waht shoul i do….plzzzzzzzzz help…….

Ajay June 16, 2009

I am in a serious problem, I have an orkut account through me yahoo ID, but some one hacked my yahoo ID and i am not able to open my yahoo ID but my orkut account is working. Can i open my yahoo mail ID through orkut account.

It very essential for me because i used to use my yahoo account to send me various details to my employer to finalize my salary and due to this problem i have not received my salary from las one month.

plzzzzzz help me

Rahul Bansal June 16, 2009

Follow process listed in above post.
You may get new password for Orkut account.
Can’t say anything about Yahoo. It’s different service.

swayam prakash sahoo April 9, 2010

Dear Rahul
My id hacked by someone and changed security question also in gmail account , without security question unable to recover my past password , could u advice me any option to recover my password so that i can gt back my old id i hv very important mail in that id so i need that id at any cost

Ajay June 16, 2009

Dear Rahul
my problem is not the password of orkut, my orkut account is opening well but i am using my yahoo ID as login ID for orkut with different password. Someone hacked my yahoo ID, is it possible to open that yahoo ID through the orkut account because the ID for the both of services is same.

Keerthi June 20, 2009

Hi Rahul,

Since today morning when I try to log in orkut, I get a message saying my orkut profile has been disabled. I really don’t understand what I’ve done to get my profile disabled. I last logged in orkut 1 or 2 days back around 10 pm. Recently I moved to a PG accomodation and they are providing WIFI. However daybefore yesterday I was not able to access internet at all. There was some problem with the connection. Morning I called the PG owner and he did something and I got internet access again. One more thing I’ve noticed recently( since 1 month)is that some of my scraps get deleted. Means sometimes when I loged in, I noticed that there was a decrease in my scrap no.(around 20-30 scraos lesser than what was there when I last logged in). I thought somebody was deleting his/her scraps to me for some reason from my scrap book. I didnt take it seriously because it was impossible to find out who was doing this. But now I suspect that somebody had hacked my orkut password. Really I don’t want to loose my this account. I really dont want to make a new profile all over again. When I haven’t done anything wrong, then why do I have to go through this? I’m really disappointed with this. Atleast orkut should have done some investigation or something before disbaling my profile. I’m trying my maximum to get back my profile and that’s how I came across this site. I’m loosing hope because inspite of contacting google, I still haven’t got any response so far.

Ashit Singh July 7, 2009

I am Ashit,i was using my orkut account with yahoo id as username and my password was same as i was using in gmail.and this orkut account was linked with gmail also.but last 3-4 days back actually from 5th july,09 .i am getting an error mesage as your account has been disabled.event i tried to recover it a lot,my gmail password has been changed,even i filled up all the forms that google sent me,but its of no use now also it is showing the same error.and the second thing is that it is not possible to remember the exact date of account creation and other thing like url of my orkut account.but i know my last login date and last password i used to sign it up and other email id etc.but even though i am unable to retrieve it.actually iam bit confussed about the questions that are bieng asked from me regarding account information and other,i think its because i was using my yahoo id as username in orkut,but it is linked with gmail also.even my friends can put me scraps on that account.please help me out to get it back.i will be ever thenkfull to you.even i was using gtalk gadget in that orkut account.and i gave my mail id in that orkut as,which it shows on the top of the page when i use to open my orkut home page.plz help me dear !!!

rocky July 12, 2009


Saarthak July 13, 2009

my yahoomail account got hacked but fortunately i changed the password just in time. but im scared that the Hacker could get the password again from my yahoo id couse i dont know how to change that. i know how to trace email adresses but ive deleted his email to me so i cant trace that SOB. sowhat do i do to make sure my account dosent get hacked again?

mithlesh meena July 14, 2009

mera id ye hi hai but password chane some one i cant open my account plz help me dear ye axccount bhi open nahi ho raha

Deepak Jain July 15, 2009

Can you please be clear on what you want to know?

sumit yadav July 14, 2009

i m unable to access my gmail account that is i am posted to u

Karan Pratap July 15, 2009

Dude u r suggestin people havin n acconut on google
m havin my email 8 yahoo wat 2 do???

vishant July 21, 2009

hi there i dont know if my orkut account is hacked or not,i can acess my acc but when i go to my profile it’s sjhowing a link and then it is redirected to a orkut page having an explict image but same layout, iam not able to remove it from my profile it says it is form google and all that stuff kindly pls help

Ranjita August 3, 2009

Hi Rahul,

I read the tips and all the comments. I just wanted to ask you that after submitting the form correctly, what google is going to provide, the current password or a new password.

Please reply as soon as possible


anne August 5, 2009

I have orkut account in gmail. unfortunately, i was disabled due to posting excessive scraps, and had to keep entering the capcha. when on the 4th of august, i logged in to the account, i was able to get through with my password, but by evening, i could not as my password was not accepted. I could not even open my account. bad luck for me, i know u are pressed with all the same issues of forgetting password and not being able to log in, the same problem goes with me. I dont know if u could help me or not. thanks for your informations, very knowledgeable. but i loved my profile with all its friends, anyways thanks for the good work u do. i have another account too from gmail. if u have the time and u could help me personally, u can contact me.

madhav August 7, 2009

Hi Rahul,

All your answers were so helpful to everyone.

Here is my problem someone deleted my gmail account and i want to know the ip address of the person who did it ,is there a way in google to track the ip address .

Thanks in advance


Deepak Jain August 9, 2009

One cannot break into Google’s security system so easily!

Charu August 21, 2009

Really your article on geting back the gmail password is helpful.

I am very thankful to you.
you have saved me.

chinarabismay.404 August 22, 2009

someone had hacked my orkut account.
so when i enter my username & password it shows invalid.
so plz tell what to do

sauravjit August 22, 2009


Use this link(click here) and enter your e-mail id there.

If it doesn’t works then read the above post again and try using other options.

chiru August 26, 2009

Hi this is chiru. I deleted my orkut account earlier 1 week back.Now i want my old orkut account with my old frds.What i ll do how can i get my old account pls guide me….

sunil August 26, 2009


Some one deleted my Gmail Account…How can I get it back? I have inforamtion about past what i had enetered when creating …I tried that way also…but i got a message ” your gmail account is deleted” Please help me in this.. I need it


sauravjit August 26, 2009


Read my last comment for “chinarabismay.404” above….

umaima August 28, 2009

hey my orkut account is hacked i need it back can any one hepl please

divya September 6, 2009

Hi Rahul

Since the past few days im having trouble logging into my gmail account ….It says invalid username or password………..Now the other part of the story is tht even thou i cant log onto gmail using this id & password i can log onto the job site monster using the same username & password.Is my account hacked or is there some other problem since i can use the username & password on monster.
I have tried clearing the cache & cookies but things are not working out.The same is the case with my yahoo account.


madhusai September 8, 2009

those 2 accounts hve being hacked i want to restore tht pls
i mean hacked ids r,

zalak patel September 9, 2009

hi rahul. listen me and understand. i have account in orkut. and i used same email i mentioned. there is a person who is not in my friend list bt i am in his friend list. how can it b possible???????? i have 16 friends in my list and he is no where in it. but when i visit his profile by my another friend profile…………it show i am in his friend list.. how????? reply me soon its urgent.

devika September 9, 2009

hello rahul..
actually somebody has hacked my account..and i have tried my utmost..including the password recovery options but nothing has happened..could u plzz help??
my id is

Lhen September 15, 2009

hi rahul..
could you teach me how to recover my hacked ymail??

Geetikantha Das September 15, 2009

Hello Mr.Bansal.Actually the problem is I was chatting with one of my friend on 12th of this month,While chatting I suddenly found that somebody else is also chatting from my name,I immediately signed out then signed in,It worked.But after that on 13th when I again tried to access my account,I got the reply The username or password you entered is incorrect.Will you please help me out of this problem,please for god sake,My E-mail address is very important for me,please help me………….

selva September 16, 2009

hi i forgot my gmail password but i know the security question’s answer. i have given a secondary address but i cant accent that account when i go to the password recovery page it will not ask the question it will send a mail to the secondary address what can i do?? please help me

sourav September 27, 2009

hi rahul thts sourav here frm sagar
my orkut account has been hecked so plz tel me how i wil get tht back!!!plz im wnt tht back its urgent
hope u wil rply fst


Priscila September 29, 2009

This is all great! Thanks!!

I was just wondering if someone knows the reason why I am able to SUBMIT the Gmail Account Help form thing? Yes, I did fill in all required spaces and I have tried the submit it through 5 different browsers. Yes, including Firefox. Yes, I have antivirus software 🙂

I was finally able to submit the form when I tried through another computer… I was just wondering WHY I couldn’t submit from my PC.. Any explanations??

Naveenbabu October 1, 2009

I lost my gmail aount earlier.when i try to login it said invalid username/passowrd.somehow i managed to get back my account.but when i log into sadi my account is deleted.I own a comunity and when i see that now,owners’s name is some hackers can i get my orkut profile back and own that community..please reply..this is very iportant fo
r me..thannks

neha October 5, 2009

hi rahul…can u plz tell me how can i know abt the hackerand his location..well i come to knw abt the hacker..he has used to hack my orkut’s frenz profile every time..and he done all this to get my snaps n to talk to me..icome to knw abt that..but i dnt have any solid evidence against plz tell me how can i come to knw somthng abt him..plz mail on my mail the ans also on my ID.

Steve October 10, 2009

I have been hacked and my gmail has been deleted. google says if my gmail is deleted then it is gone forever. I do not think it’s fair because it’s by no means my fault. Is there a way they can restore it? Please help.

ajay malhotra October 14, 2009

sir,somebody hacked my account and had changed password my id is still activate so plz tell how i can recover my orkut account

ankit nehra October 19, 2009

sir,plz tell me how soon is it supposed to get the answer from the google website after submitting the forM?

deepika October 26, 2009

Hi, I think my orkut is hacked by some one……Even i cud nt open my account…wit my mail id & password….tht to im not having any connection..b/w my gmail/yahoo id….plz help me.. the above i mentiond is orkut id…..

sriyansh awasthi November 1, 2009

koi to meri help karo dear meri gmail id hacked ho gayi hai plz help me

Birendra joshi November 5, 2009

I have tried all the possibilities, but also i can’t login to my id, is there any possibilities to get back my contacts.

rajeev November 7, 2009

hi frnds i have a issue with my friend orkut account that she change their email id from the orkut now she is unable to login on their that orkut id.usne pehle wala password bhi use kr ke dekh liya bt same it will be recover pls suggest.she already send the form after fill it but yahoo only change her yahoo id password but still she is unable to login in their orkut old id.

alok November 10, 2009

HI guys..
i got back my gmail account in abt 20 mins dats it..

but i wud just like to say dat for getting ur account back u just need to know da IP address of ur prkut profile.. dat is if u are using ur gmail account for ur orkut profile..

once google guys get dat.. den its just a matter of few mins before u are back to ur account..

and interestingly..
u dnt even have to rememeber ur orkut profile IP id..
it wud appear in da address bar of ur most recent pages..

so just copy it down from dere..
and ya ofcourse for future.. just note down ur orkut IP id somewhere
so dat in case somethin like appears again..
u dnt find urself helples

Orkut IP address is da best and easiest way to get back ur account guys..

i tried it
and got it!!
all da best!! 🙂

danish November 11, 2009

my id is hacked how i open

naina November 12, 2009

my id hacked help me

Varun November 17, 2009

Hi rahul,
thanks for ur post man… saved my account… par can i trace that bugger….. or can google, trace him???

Saurabh Ordia November 28, 2009

hieee rahul my orkut account is hacked and the contact form u had given i hav tried tht also but i cant remember the answers for the questions asked….so how can i access my orkut accounbt now……

plzzzz reply fast……..

saurabh ordia.

enke December 2, 2009

hey there, my orkut account was deleted accidentally and i tried your suggestion to log into gmail and then click on the orkut tab. orkut opens in a new window but doesnt open completey, the data in the address bar keeps changing and even after many minutes of wait i dont see my orkut page. do let me know how to restore/access my orkut profile.

vidhya jain December 9, 2009

hi guys, plz help me out. my gmail and orkut both accounts has been hacked and i m also not able to access gtalk.. i m not getting any solution from google team on my secondary email address and that is versatilevj24687[at]yahoo[dot]com plz help as soon as possible…. i’ll be always thankful to you…plzzzzz….. vidhya

Namrata December 11, 2009

Hi , I cannot access my account I have done evrything above you have said .but, could not retain my account .But i have many Imp docs in my Id ….I need that account …pls help yaar 🙂
I dont remeber secondary id’s password too …no labels created…dont remember security questions answer …pls help buddy

saif December 12, 2009

sir my gmail account has been hacked how to go back my gmail account

kunal December 15, 2009

Hi Rahul,

I got your post via Google search. I’m having the same problem from 2 days. I’m unable to login into my Gmail accounts. I’m 100% confidence about the user name & password but still I m getting error. I have tried to reset my password also but I got an error “we have no any account registered with this email” and when I go to create a new ID with my old email then says “it’s already exist” . Plz suggest me what should I do? Here is my contact no. 0755-4080276 I’m waiting for your earlier reply…

Thanks, kunal!

tejesh December 16, 2009

hi, some one hacked my gmail account and has changed all secret questions and password and secondary email address also plz help me out

Siraj December 22, 2009

Explain your issue in full detail here:
I am the Academic Head of The Future Kid’s School, Siraj Our school email id has been taken over by someone and our password has been changed. We are losing confidential information from the parents and infact we could not convey the same to our parents. Hence kindly advice in what way we can catch that cheat who has stolen our email id or please advice in what way we can lodge a complaint regarding this issue. We shall be thankful to you if you could help us in this matter…

sapna pal December 27, 2009

plz help me out plz some one heck my frnd orkut account
can i get the password to help him.

plz rpl soon

abhilab das December 28, 2009

its not working…

mohan January 9, 2010

thanks for this information man i think it will help me

Raj January 10, 2010

is it possible to create orkut account with any email id except gmail.
i tried few times, but that stupid always ask me to make another gmail account.


Raj Verma

sheikh ala January 10, 2010

Hi Rahul Bansal,
Thanks for ur help.. am really happy about my account get back.. its only 24 hours time… Why are they people hacking like this?..

Saurav January 12, 2010

hey dude i m in going 2 s*** the orkut……….when i log in 2 orkut it seems like this (Your profile has been locked out. Your orkut account has been suspended because your Google password might have been compromised. Please verify your identity to restore your account and change your password after that.

Never share your password with friends or on any site not authenticated by Google.??????.but ma gmail acnt opens..can u suggest something….wat this…..n plz help me dude…..

nishanth January 13, 2010

hi i hav recovered my gmail account as u said.. thanks a lot..
i hav to kno who hacked my account. is der any option to find out??

amit rajak January 18, 2010

my account had been hacked plz.suggest me my username and password and my photo has been changed plz. suggest me what shall i do

dinesh holla January 20, 2010

Recently i clicked an unknown link and get hacked myself. now its password is changed by the hacker, and also security question .. and he put some dating sites under the community in my hacked orkut
now the question is how to get back my orkut account ? Please let me know the way i get back my orkut.. because it is very hard see those porn sites under my hacked orkut.. Please help me.. thanks in advance.

aman January 20, 2010

hey bro anybody has changed my password…usne ladki banke kaha ki ma tmhe apni pic dikhati hon and usne kaha apna password bata do ma usi ma load kar dungi and mane bata diya but suddenly usne mera password hi badal diya and jaise hi mane sign out kiya aur fir doobara sign in karne ki koshish ki to i was unable to sign in bcozz usne mera password badal diya..nw what shuld i do and ma google accounts ki help le chuka kuch alag url of the profile is$uid=7886155162767441258.plse help me dude.meri ek baar profile aur hack ho chuki hai aur mane vo google accounts page pe sahi kar li thi bcozz mjhe malum hai sab questions ka answer unke unke.but ab vo keh rahe hai ki fill ur form after some days..pechli baar to meri id sahi ho gayi thi but ab nahi ho rahi hai….what shuld i do.?

candy January 28, 2010

hi Rahul,

I just want to know whether I can get updates of my orkut to my yahoo mail?

pawan January 30, 2010

buddy dats not seems helpful to me i tried everything u written but can’t able to open my google acc. plzzzzzzzzzzz help me brother all of ma frnds in ma same acc. i don’t want to loose dem

Ganesh HAcker God January 30, 2010

Hey pawan, if you want, u can email email id is *************** tell me all details about you’re account…ill try helping…
[*comment moderated by admin under the comment policy]

Afsana January 31, 2010

hey plz can u help me sme 1 hacking ma facebook a/c again n again.. i m using gmail id n password to login i hv chnged ma password everytme he has hacked.. he is nt chnging ma id so i got back ma a/c everytme.. bt nw wat to do so he can nt hack my a/c again?? do u hv ne option to prevent it??? plz help me.. plz..

arijit February 1, 2010

hi rahul

someone hacked orkut account of my wife whose accounts were inoperative since 2007(most probably) and naturally she does not remember password or user name even the gmail id using which she was created such orkut account.

Now it has been hacked by some one and regularly updating it by giving some vague messgaes which I have seen through my orkut account and searching my wife’s account using search option.

Now please tell me the procedure to delete orkut account of my wife permanently who does not remmeber user id and password?

can u please provide any correspondence address/email or contact number of cencerned department of google india so that I can contacted them for the problem and if they gives some solution?



My id is *************
[comment moderated by admin]

Tazi February 4, 2010

Dear all
plz help me someone has hacked my account..
plz help tell me how can i get back my ID..plz

Tazi February 4, 2010

Rahul Aditya deepak vivek
Dear plz help me..
someone has hacked my Gmail account & i am unable to recover my Gmail id.i dont remember my security question but i hv that invitation which i used to create my Gmail-ID.plz help me Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

sushma February 8, 2010

hi i had only a yahoo account thru which i used to login to orkut where i had all my frnds but few days back i created a new account in gmail but bcoz of dat wenever i try to login in orkut it logs me on as a new user not in my old account what shuld i do??????????????????????

vivek jain February 8, 2010

orkut automatically logs you in with your g-mail account credentials. Either log out of all the google apps etc and then try to login into Orkut. Or you may use an alternate browser to do so.

siri February 8, 2010

my gmail was hacked by someone, he changed my password, securityquestion and secondary mail now i want to retrieve my password or atlease to delete my account please help me

aleti pavan February 11, 2010

hi my gmail hacked and it seems password has changed……all my data is in can i get back my id

my hacked id is : #############

please do me this favor all my information regarding my interviews r in my mail as i am a fresher searching job.

[comment moderated by admin]

sahil February 13, 2010

hi dear , i hv tried all these when i my gmail account got hacked even i changed my secondary id twice so that the person dont knows and also the security questions but still that guy is hacking my account whenever he want u knw dear i hv changed my secondary id to hotmail also but still he is able to make out , i think there is there is one solution since i hv got my gmail id back but still i am afraid he can do it again can u tell me if i change my username of my gmail will it works please reply to my request i rely need your help

sahil95 February 13, 2010

hi Rahul sir few months back my gf gmail account got hacked by jis x bf , i even tried to change my secondary email id and security question but still he is able to hack her gmail accnt even i tried 2 change the secondary id in msn and hotmail but still he is able to hack it he did this for 3 times nd 3 times i was succesful in getting back her pasword but this time i m not able to reset the password because he have changed the secondary id ,pls help me sir as that id of my gf have got some pics which she saved in the drafts and he may do nything with those pics ,is this anyway of changing the gmail username i meany primary email id he even tried to hack my accnt nd he did also but through secondary mail i got my password back i knw my gf accnt hv been gone but i want to save mines can u tell me how can i change my gmail userame or is there any possibilty of deleting gmail accnt pls help me

pankhuri February 22, 2010

could u please tell if i could get my deleted orkut account back?if yes then how???

yogesh arya February 26, 2010

Hello Rahul Sir
I want ur Help plzzz
4 days Ago my Orkut ID is hacked by my “Sir”,,and he Bacame Angry And Changed My password….But Next day i got back My Account with the Help of password Recovery i changed my password,,,but when any of my frnd Send me scrap , Request ,anythng on orkut ……the scrap also go into my “Sir” Account ,,,
Plzzz Help me

what can i do ??????????

henerysugar March 1, 2010

i delete my g-mail account now i want to get it !it is have method !if know method please help me !thank you very much

Karthik March 3, 2010

As i Saw Many They Were Asking the Mail ID And Password.If we Need Change Password then is this effect may also works on those we given mail id & Password…Pls Reply me……

Renu March 4, 2010

Dear Friend , My id hacked by someone and changed security question also in gmail account , without security question unable to recover my past password , could u advice me any option to recover my password so that i can gt back my old id i hv very important mail in that id so i need that id at any cost

abhijith March 5, 2010

hello sir iam abhijith using orkut & gmail regularly twice a day today morning (05.03.2010)i have changed my password and i cannot login to my account i have tried with old & new passwords caps on off many ways but i cannot login to my id plz help me that id is most important to me really very important sir kindly help me sir as soon as u see this message

kd March 5, 2010

Urgent help Needed!!!!
My profile got hacked and as soon as came to know this, i changed the password and followed the above listed steps. But what i found is, since i discovered the fact too early, i see the hacker is still logged into my account and just posted nude pics and a lot of illicit material. Is there a way we can get an IP address of a user currently accessing an Orkut account so that i can trace him with any IP Lookup tools?
Please Reply urgly

Ganesh Hacker God March 6, 2010

Hey “kd” guy! If u want help, contact me at
Ill help yo….

Sanjukumar March 9, 2010

Pls I want get back the gmail account pls make shore that agin open the my email and relese mai account


Sanjukumar March 9, 2010


Can u beleive this !

I used ur tip and




Anna March 20, 2010

Hi Rahul,
Can you plz help me.someone hacked my account and changed everything.. i dont know even the right login…plzz help me toget me my account back..he is misusing everything from my account …plzzzz help ifd u can

Satheesh March 21, 2010

some1 had hacked my orkut account……
its showing some vulgar information to my friend……
so i had deleted my acc and created new acc…..
in that acc also the same thing is going on
how 2 recover this……..
please help me…………….

surendra chauhan March 23, 2010

will u pz telll me that what i have to do if my orkut account got hacked .and i forget my security question

preet April 9, 2010

my orkut is not working
i don’t knw whts wrong with it
would u plzz help me out

karan April 10, 2010

hey !!!
my account has been hecked yesterdat night…
ni’m nt able to open it !!!
all my account hav been hecked…
fb..n orkut too !!!!
nothing is working.. !!!
what should i do ??

kk April 11, 2010

my friends gmail got hacked and and it looks like the hacker also changed the alternate e-mail id so that now he cannot get any password recovery is there a way to get his account back

vishal sachdeva April 13, 2010

hi,,, rahul..this is the first time i hav visited ur site nd i hope u will not dissappoint me….plzz help

i hav my orkut acc with a yahoo id-
bt since last 1week the password is hacked and filling out the password reset form which u mentioned in earlier posts is not working at all,,,plzz help…..m really worried abt it coz someone is using ma acc nd sending irrelevant msgs to ma frnds,,(ma frnds told me)..;(

don April 15, 2010

my account has been hacked by someone and the hacker has changed my password……………..i complainted to the google….they r asking a security question……bt i am noy remembering the answer……..wht can i do to get my account back??plz reply as soon as possible…

Seema April 16, 2010

hello sir,
my gmail id hacked in 12 april 2010 and it seems password has changed……my gmail is properly in my professional use.all my important form,jobs nd every important data is in can i get back my account has been hacked by someone and the hacker has changed my password……………..i complained to the google….but goggle is not send to security question in my alternative id.then i fill up the information last login, last 5 mail everything they snd mail nd said not accurate information what can i do to get my account back??please helo me.i m very tense.please reply as soon as possible…

Thanks & Regards
Seema Chauhan
( HR )

kshemendra April 18, 2010

hello sir….

my password of orkut email id become changed by someone…i cant find
the way to get rid of this problem……will u please help me to sort out this problem….i complained to the google bt i cant get right solution…….what can i do to get my account
Thanks & Regards
kshemendra patni

Tanmay April 18, 2010

Reaaly great information provided here i followed the steps and got my hacked account back in less than 30 minutes . Thanks a lot for sharin such an useful information , thanx a lot n keep up the great wrk =)

Aditya Kane April 18, 2010

You are welcome Tanmay, It must surely be a relife to get your hacked account back. 🙂

gaurav sharma January 13, 2011

aditya plz same problem with me someone hacked my account and use it for their bad works from last four days plzzzzz do something i want my hacked id back because it is very important for me dear…..

Tanmay April 25, 2010

It indded iS =)
well to got my 3 hacked idZ bck lol i forgot to mention dat =P
again Thnx a tOn =D

Erica April 26, 2010

I don’t remember anything about when I started Gmail, so I can’t answer the question. I tried to answer my security question answer, but it says it’s wrong, even though I know it’s the right answer. I’m having such a bad day. Could you please help? It’s my main account, and has all my stuff on it, including my homework.

Sad April 26, 2010

plz help me to get the google account opening date…

chirag patel April 27, 2010


I got mail from google in 2-3 hrs. and i got my account back.

Please follow the instructions properly and answer them as accurate as possible.

But never enter password in any link provided to you by anyone.I lost my password that way only.

darkangel May 12, 2010

“You have temporarily been disallowed from performing this action. Please try again after some time.” this is written wenever i scraping of adding friends in orkut wat it means am i hacked by some1 i guess yes i have some1 in my account whom im not able to delete her she is promoting bands from brazil

prathmesh gurav May 13, 2010

thanx dude it ! i appreciate u !!!!! thnx a lot

shoaib zaffer May 16, 2010

hello sir….

my password of orkut email id become changed by someone…i cant find
the way to get rid of this problem……will u please help me to sort out this problem….i complained to the google bt i cant get right solution…….what can i do to get my account
Thanks & Regards
shoaib siddique

indra setiawan May 17, 2010

please help me,,
my account in facebook is disabled ,,

parmin May 18, 2010

hey. how to open gmail deatail form which acquire details like
etails include information which most likely only real owner can provide. Here are few things for example…

* Last successful login date
* Account creation date
* Google products you used with this account and the date you started using each one
* Details about Orkut account (if you use Orkut)
* Details about Blogger account (if you use Blogger)

ANURAG May 22, 2010


muthu May 26, 2010

plz clear my problem .
my orkut account has been suspended. how to clear or reactivate my account . plz help me immediately

srishti June 3, 2010 gmail account has been hacked since last 2-3 months n i hv tried all d possible ways to get it back as i need it badly….all my imp mails are stuck in it….plz help me i need it plz

ramprakash June 9, 2010

hey !!!
my account has been hecked yesterdat night…
ni’m nt able to open it !!!
all my account hav been hecked…
fb..n orkut too !!!!
nothing is working.. !!!
what should i do ??

suman June 10, 2010

Sir, i had a yahoo-orkut account. recently when i tried to open orkut, there was a problem with password, so i chose the option to reset password (by mail received in my yahoo mail account). Now i am able to log into orkut using my yahoo i.d. but its blank…. (all information lost) but my friends can see my profile and scrap me (i receive scraps in my mail). how can 2 accounts be activated with the same yahoo i.d. i doubt some foul play.. really distress that my profile is showing up but cant access it…please help

sneha shukla June 14, 2010

I have opted ur suggestions twice but iam unable to getrid of it . Somebody is still using my orkut & gmail account pls tell me something so that i can delete it completley please because he is using very badly.

vinoth June 15, 2010

hi bro my orkut account has been hacked but still i can acces it but every time wen i enter ma account i see new communities joined my mee itself kindly tell me way to get rid of it bro

Lawrence Pereira June 23, 2010

hey buddy can u plz help me i m vry pissed off man my orkut a/c is working properly but i cant update anything it is showing this msg FREE RECHARGE TRICK GO TO: and if i want to update something else i can’t plz help me…e-mail me the detail thank u very much

Rakesh June 24, 2010

hi rahul,
i am Rakesh , on 22nd june 2010 i visited an orkut profile which was hacked 2 hours before my visit and then i was chatting through mine ,but after sometime i got signed out of my account and can’t relogin. then i filled the form of account recovery. at the third time i get an email on my new id that we can give you back your id , fill the password forgot form we’ll send you reset link at your new one, but when i filled that they again say your reset link has been sent to your ******* , which i dont remember. please help it was my official email address,,,,,,,,,,,,

Kedar June 24, 2010

hello. yesterday my orkut A/c is hacked by someone so how can i get it back. i think someone is using my A/c. so plz help me

justy June 25, 2010

helo.. mu orkut profile is hacked by someone else .. can u plz teme that whthr i can find the hacker by IT adress….. plz tell me.

raj June 28, 2010

hi.i have got my hacked id back.thanks for your suggestions.thank u so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

vekatesan July 3, 2010

my gmail and orkut was hacked by someone ………how to get it back please help me……..

Anindita July 3, 2010

Hi, I am anindita, my password is not working and I cant get my google account and my orkut connection, plzzzzzzzzzzz help.

harsha July 11, 2010

hi, this is harsha i clicked into some link send by one of my friend after dat am not able to access both gmail and orkut account plsssssssssss help me.

arshdeep maan July 23, 2010

hi im arshdeep singh….my gmail and orkut was hacked by someone am not able to access both gmail and orkut account plsssssssssss help me.

Aashima August 13, 2010

My gmail id has been hacked..m trying to fill out the form bt nt able to submit it. everytime its showing that “we were nt able to submit your form,try again”..can u tel me how to fil tht form..?

Sharik August 15, 2010

Yupp… Same problem here…

Ravi Chayal August 15, 2010

Great Article,it really works.
i use it when my G mail account is not open.


mahesh August 22, 2010

my orkut account was hacked on august 15th. i login into my account with the use of rediffmail. but unfortunately the hacker has changed my id and password.
i had filled the form for getting back my id but unknowingly i submitted the form many times. i got the reply mail stating that(“Thank you for your report. For account security, we limit the number of requests that can be processed about the same account. Please wait a few days and try filling out the form again.)” .
so i waited for 2 days after that i filled the form again and submitted . but after that also i am getting the same message.
could you just help me that how many days i have to wait to fill the form again

mahesh August 23, 2010

my orkut account was hacked on august 15th. i login into my account with the use of rediffmail. but unfortunately the hacker has changed my id and password.
i had filled the form for getting back my id but unknowingly i submitted the form many times. i got the reply mail stating that(“Thank you for your report. For account security, we limit the number of requests that can be processed about the same account. Please wait a few days and try filling out the form again.)” .
so i waited for 2 days after that i filled the form again and submitted . but after that also i am getting the same message.
could you just help me that how many days i have to wait to fill the form again

mahesh August 27, 2010

hw many days i hav to wait if i want to submitted many forms…

rishita August 28, 2010

my orkut id has been hacked and somebody is misusing it…he’s writing all the shit to my frenz…plz help me out of my yahoo id was also hacked and the security questions are also changed..i just want dat my orkut a/c should gt deleted..
waiting for your reply…

Thomas Christian September 3, 2010

Some one has hacked my gmail id and was doing promotions of a website. He was sending this url to all my contacts. I don’t know what to do. How sick the people are in today’s world.

rishita September 12, 2010

my gmail acc was hacked , but some how i recovered it , but the thing is im not able to get any mails to my gmail nor m nt able to send any…. can u plz help me wit it…

surya September 18, 2010

yesterday i think my account was hacked…unnecessary communities were added in my community list..what can i do?

johanna September 23, 2010

All your answers were so helpful to everyone.

Here is my problem someone deleted my gmail account and i want to know the ip address of the person who did it ,is there a way in google to track the ip address .

Thanks in advance

johanna September 23, 2010

I lost my gmail aount earlier.when i try to login it said invalid username/passowrd.somehow i managed to get back my account.but when i log into sadi my account is deleted.I own a comunity and when i see that now,owners’s name is some hackers can i get my orkut profile back and own that community..please reply..this is very iportant fo
r me..thannks

Brian September 24, 2010

unfortunately, it isn’t working. I filled out the information, and all they do is respond via e-mail (my secondary) that I have not provided enough info. This is irritating as I provided all that I can. I don’t even know how someone got my e-mail account. So, I can only figure that whomever is in control of my e-mail through has changed everything and there’s no help. it’s enough to piss off the pope.

Tejal September 25, 2010

Hii, Can u plz help me also my orkut ac seems to be hacked my all frnds got a scrap as ‘Bom sabado’and now i can’t change any settings its shows some error so wht can i do now do protect my orkut Ac….plz suggest me…!

bharti September 27, 2010

some one have hacked my gmail account , i.e and change my password plze help me to regain my gmail account

monishakalita September 27, 2010

Someone has hacked my gmail account and also my orkut account and misusing it .he/she is sending dirty messages to my friends and updating it. my both emai Id and password is not working please cose my account .otherwise I am afraid that my documents wll be misused because already the hacker is misusing it please help me I am requesting you.

Albin C George September 30, 2010

hiii…now can we login to our orkut/gmail accounts??????is there any problem in logging in??????

Agnetha October 15, 2010

Hai Rahul,
someone has Hacked my g.mail Account which is very important for me, please help me Rahul…what shall i do?!! 🙁

prerna October 18, 2010

my gmail acc has been hacked and th person is abusing my frnz through my id….wat shud i do ???

satwant singh October 18, 2010

hello. yesterday my orkut A/c is hacked by someone so how can i get it back. i think someone is using my A/c. so plz help me

nicksumit October 20, 2010

CAN u pease tell me wat to do if my orkut account is hacked and the security question is changed or they never show the q

RickU October 28, 2010

CAUTION: Google does not acknowledge the receipt of the restoration request. If you want to make sure you started the process, don’t expect confirmation. Forums elsewhere talk about submitting 17 requests to regain access to an account. After submitting about 6 responses, I received my only response, which said that too many requests had been submitted. Now I am waiting “a few days” (whatever that means).

The article warns to submit only one form, good advice! Although what would an acknowledgement have hurt.

janet November 1, 2010

hey guys..i m in deep trouble
my gmail is not letting me in …i tried a lot for the recovery code thing my they are senting me any mails to the reset my password or anything ..i tried a milllion times…now they are telling i exceeded it and all i want my gmail back …i cant access orkut also now….i dont know if its being hacked or anything personal things my friends are all there dont wanna lose the can you please help me in out i should do ..? i even..filed an investigation..give some deals i cant say accurate cause i made gmail id long time back so i dont know the date of creatin it n all precisely…


Dheeraj R. November 2, 2010

My Email (Gmail) is Also Hacked!!! HELP

kritika November 6, 2010

somebody hacked my gmail & orkut accont and changed the password and recovery quesion and also misused with my account
can u plz tel me wt can i do for accesses or delet my account, if u can delet my account on the gmail and orkut then plz firstly delet it plz plz plzzzzzz

pranay November 14, 2010

hey, this form really works
i have tried but no reply
please help me

Brian November 26, 2010

some one got into my g mail account and deleted it after it was hacked, so what should i do? Google says that information i am providing is not true and they don’t know if i owned the account or not. i am so mad.
can any one help? please

brian November 26, 2010

another trouble. as i tried the tips provided here, it says “No account found with that email address. Please try again” Grrrrrrrrrr that means my account is deleted? Oh God help me…can any one please help me….. 🙁

dheerendra varshney November 27, 2010

i forgot my orkut to get my password &open my orkut.plz help me

saran November 27, 2010

hello sir somebody hacked my orkut account and everything is changed in it…. whn i get back my original accc… i need ur advice and help

Abhilash December 1, 2010

I submitted the form but i didn’t got any response from google yet on my mail id which provided. Should I wait for some more time or fill the form again. Because its already been 2 days.

harjeet singh December 5, 2010

hi i read ur this topic but m not still success in accessing my account is there any other way to get back my email acccount’s password.

Please help me in this issue.

Thanking u.

Harpreet December 9, 2010

hey someone changed my login id and password on orkut and facebook and now he/she misuse it. i am unable to use my account. i am very much upset what to do.

wahabudin December 11, 2010

my gmail account has hacked and i dont know what to do?
the will change all thing which belong to my account please help me it is very impotant

gagandeep singh December 11, 2010

hi..,my orkut was,what i do to get him back or delete account.when i made this account i nit fill secondary email adress.please give me your suggestion to delete or to get back.

Santhro December 15, 2010

My orkut a/c hacked ..what can i do?

venkateswara reddy December 15, 2010

my orkut account has hacked and chaged my password and security questions…… and he placed nude pics in my account so how can i contact to google can u plz provide any phone numbers and how can i delete that account…. plz help me plzzzzz

chitra December 16, 2010

My gmail account has been hacked. I tried all the possible ways to retrieve my password. Hacker has changed my secondary mail id as well as contact numbers.
I also forgot the creation date. I dont know what to do now please advice.

Shikha December 20, 2010


I do see some hope here. I had two Gmail Accounts and both of them have got hacked. I lost one of the accounts 1 month back and realized that the other one has also been hacked last week. I have no email account that has been registered as a recovery option in both of the taken over IDs. Would you be kind enough to help me?


jatin December 24, 2010

how i get my account back
even i dont remember the creation date????????????

Rjashree paul December 26, 2010

my orkut account has hacked and chaged my password and security questions how to get my password &open my orkut.plz help me i m very upsad…….

sri ram December 31, 2010

Hai, recently i changed my password and forgot it. if i need to reciver, it can be recovered by security question, or secondary mail id. but here my problem is know the current password of the mail ID. so can u please help me……..

anki January 6, 2011

can u plz help me gmail account was hacked on 11 decembr 2010…frm past 1 month i hav tried my level best bt i cud nt get my account back…i hav also forgotten my security question .. i cant access my gmail ,orkut ,twitter n facebook…can u plz guide me a way 2 get my account back.

Snehal January 9, 2011

i had i orkut a/c n i know d password n user name both
but i can’t access it . what to do ?

yuvraj purohit January 11, 2011

hey plz rahul help an suggest me my gmail acount is now hacked an my facebook an orkut acount is also on this acount so they both acount are also hacked so plz give me a suggation can i renue it again plz now i m very apset plz dear 🙂

Jeyamaran January 12, 2011

hi frnd my gmail account has been hacked i hav used adsense, blogs for that account today i hav lost these can i get back

Jagan Mangat January 13, 2011

always try to have a strong password like alphabets+numbers+dot and related digits.Don’t use email ids used for important things like adsense and blogdashboard in other uneven signups…..

aami January 29, 2011

my gmail acc. was hacked & the security question will also chaged how can i back the acc. tell me guy’s plZzZzZ…… ;-(

Chandra January 30, 2011

my gmail account was hacked. I changed my password… what shall i do to get security

dampi February 2, 2011

hello! my gmail account was hacked two times and each time i set a new it has been hacked for the third wat shud i do to prevent any further hacking of my account..

surjit February 3, 2011

my a/c has been hacked so please my try to details my a/c password.

pranita February 8, 2011

i forgot my gmail account password and if i got the real password then i have to delete the orkut accout.

Pradeep February 9, 2011

Hi, I have deleted my gmail, and orkut account 6 months ago. when i tried to get it back, it is not allowing to sign in and tried many times to reset the account also or the password. But its not opening. i need this account. its having so many project and office files, photos in this following gmail account. please help me to sign in with this account

chandan Kumar February 14, 2011

Dear Rahul,
My gmail account has been hacked and i’m trying to get it back from last four days but all attempts failled please help me if how to get back asoon as possible

chandan Kumar February 14, 2011

My gmail account has been hacked. I tried all the possible ways to retrieve my password. Hacker has changed my secondary mail id as well as contact numbers.
I also forgot the creation date. I dont know what to do now please advice

janhwi February 14, 2011

My gmail and orkut account has been hacked what can i do?

sruthi February 15, 2011

I have forget my passsword and dont know my security questions. so how can i access my google account.

Sackska February 17, 2011

Dear sruthi,
U have to create a new account as stated above.

Kalpita February 19, 2011 gmail account has been disabled so what can i do?

pOORAN February 22, 2011

Hello sir, i forget my orkut id password, how can i get back my id

aakash March 2, 2011

hey man, i am gettin confused about ma fb account so the problem is that 4 days back i ws sittin on my fb account with my yahoo mail , it got logged off and it showed that your password has been changed at 12:06 AM nd then trying hard i recovered my yahoo account nd ma fb account ws recovered so then after 2 days i ws surfin on ma fb account suddenly i accepted ma friends request nd i returned to loggin page of fb it showed that your email is from gmail so enter your password as i used to loggin with my yahoo id so when i entered the password it showed the same your password has been changed at 12:06 AM and now i m unable to recover my gmail account where i cud get my reset code nd wen i go for security question it ask’s dat “my name” thats obviously i must b knowin my name but its show incorrect answer ?? so nw what should i do ??

naina kohli March 7, 2011

My gmail account has been hacked. I tried all the possible ways to retrieve my password. Hacker has changed my secondary mail id as well as contact numbers.
I also forgot the creation date. I dont know what to do now please advice

soniya March 9, 2011

my gmail account password has been changed by someone and he /she also changed my security answer and also alternet i cant open my gmail and also facebook my facebook is connected with gmail pls help me i tried since 15 days..pls help me urgent

aman March 14, 2011

my orkut account password has been changed by someone and he /she also changed my security answer and also alternet i cant open my orkut and also gmail…..pls help me urgent

swapna March 21, 2011

I deleted my orkut account earlier 1 week back.Now i want my old orkut account with my old frds.What i ll do how can i get my old account pls guide me…

rachit March 31, 2011

hey hii
my facebook password have been hacked n he change my email on facebook
and i cannot start my gmail as i m givin my email n password it replys that the username or password is incorrect plzz help me gettin my password of both the accounts plzzzzz…….

Rinky April 9, 2011

My gmail account has been hacked. I tried all the possible ways to retrieve my password. Hacker has changed my secondary mail id as well as contact numbers.
I also forgot the creation date. I dont know what to do now please advice

priya April 21, 2011

My gmail account has been hacked.i don’t have a secondary e-mail id.i tried all possible ways to retrieve but it failed.i don’t know the exact details asked in the form.please help me.

bhargav April 24, 2011

ma gmail account has been hacked,the password & security answers are changed,how can i get back my id??????????????????????pls help me

ishank April 29, 2011

i think my gmail account is blocked(it is hacked)…but my orkut is working fine,does it mean that my gmail account is not blocked?please ans…asap

Roshni Sharma May 2, 2011

my gmail account has been hacked.what should i do.??
i want to deactivate my account as soon as possible..please HELP…!!!

Priya May 4, 2011

hi frnd u can get back easily…..
complain in google and ask 2 get back……

Anubha January 22, 2012

but how to contact google?

Priya May 4, 2011

My account also hacked but i get back thanks 2 google…..

poonam May 6, 2011

I have forget my passsword and dont know my security questions. so how can i access my google account.

ramya May 15, 2011

i need ma password …..i forgot ma security ques..can yo help me plz….coz…ma certicates are scanned and inside ma a/c…so plz understand ma situation…plz send me ma password

Bhawana Singh May 17, 2011

hey rahul sum1 hacked my a/c.
1st he sent me a scrap asking me to check it,
when i went thru that link it asked me my id n password..
i gave it n next day when i tried 2 login it showed password incorrect..
i tried ur procedure but it didnt helped.. plz help me..

Nazia May 24, 2011

Hi Rahul,
I have been using my rediffmail account from past 5 years. Somebody has hacked i now,am not able to retrieve the password as all the personal settings have been changed and my number of trials to retrieve password has been exhausted. this mail id is very imp 2 me cuz it holds my official work n clients’ adresses. plz help am in a dilemma… Thank you.

BIRAT BASAK May 29, 2011


teja June 8, 2011

unfortunately i deleted my orkut account, how can i get my deleted account………..

shuhail June 18, 2011

Hai buddy i want to close one of my friends facebook account as because she left us alone in this world for ever.I dont know her password so would u pls help me..

kapil June 25, 2011

how to get acess in heacked id please tell

pradeep June 27, 2011

can anyone help me,
i lost my previous orkut data once i open my orkut account its shows only fresh account. no scrap,no freinds and no picture . im in trouble .plz suggest me wt to do.

Poonam July 12, 2011


My all email ids got hacked a month back i.e gmail, yahoo, rediff, hotmail..but i got it back with help of one of my frnd, but 1 id is still not accessable by me i.e of gmail, few days back i received an add req from orkut from that id. It has all my photos and my info in it. That person has send add req 2 all my frnds which are there in my actual account. I made a complain to cyber crime (Appin) Delhi but they are charging me. for just blocking-8000/- and for knowing who the culprit is behind it- 25,000/-. Is there any other way to get that fake orkut account block forever.

surendra July 29, 2011

Hi surendra,
I have been using my rediffmail account from past 6 years. Somebody has hacked i now,am not able to retrieve the password as all the personal settings have been changed and my number of trials to retrieve password has been exhausted. this mail id is very imp 2 me cuz it holds my official work n clients’ adresses. plz help am in a dilemma… Thank you.

saurav singh July 31, 2011

hyeeeee bro someone again hack my id nd its double tyme so how can i recovery my password ,,,,,, plzzzzz help meeeeee

mitalee agarwal August 3, 2011

hey someone has hacked my di’s orkut profile n making false posts to everyone n dey r shameful n unbearable help me out to restore her account n she dont remember much about her account as it was created 4 years ago…………

arjun August 4, 2011

hello sir someone changed my gmail account password and changed recovery option also.please help me

Rashmi August 15, 2011

Rahul plz help me.2 of my id’s have been hacked and they have changed my password.i will very greatfull to you if you help me..

soumya August 22, 2011

i hv created google+ account with gmail nd i deleted that google+ account so i lost my gmail account also or wat?pls help m pls

neeraj August 29, 2011

how can i know that my frnd gmail account is deleteor it is active account bcoz my frnd ID show in my gmail account in contact

suneera September 8, 2011

i cant access my password, it is showing incorrect username ans password please help me out.

Sonu September 8, 2011

CAN u please tell me wat to do if my Facebook/orkut/gmail account is hacked by someone and the security question is very upset coz im not using my id and somebody using that…

Kiran September 15, 2011

hey rahul.. plz help out with dis prb.. all my accounts have been taken over nd r being used, they hv changed evrythg in all the email ids of mine.. my condition is too worse nw.. can you plz help me out frm dis prb.. i hv tried wat u said, bt den i didnt find nythg.. i wnt all my accounts to be deleted.. so wt shld i do.. give me an solution.. plzzz..

chandrima September 16, 2011

hi……….this is chandrima.i am in a very deep trouble.i made an account in orkut before 2 years……it was through the gmail.but now i have forgot my password and email it possible to recover this profile.if you will do some help for me i will be very much thankful to you.

mohammed September 21, 2011

my gmail account is hacked and cant login ad delect a.c a hacker is send a spam email fromm id. help me

SuMaN October 8, 2011

my google a/c is hacked. even my security related question, mail, and mobile number are changed. I tried in the ways but i failed..
So plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i hope you will help me out for getting google a/c back…..

indu October 13, 2011

Hi… my ggogle account is hacked. all my security related question , recovery mail id and mubile numder everything has changed..i have tried all the way you have given,but without recovery mail id i nothing to do with that…so.. please..please help me to getting back my account or atleast delete that account..please…

smartyshab October 14, 2011

hi rahul
i want to delete my orkut account(, but my ex had changed the pswd & security answer. now its 3 yrs old case, y i am worried now coz got to knw frm orkut frnds that He had posted our pics wit slutty comments. dont knw what to do? tried all recovery steps. thinking of contacting a hacker who could help me.pls save me frm this embarrasment. i just want to delete my account or atlest those pics.

mothyworry October 16, 2011

i want to delete my orkut account(, but my ex had changed the pswd & security answer. now its 3 yrs old case, y i am worried now coz got to knw frm orkut frnds that He had posted our pics wit slutty comments. dont knw what to do? tried all recovery steps. thinking of contacting a hacker who could help me.pls save me frm this embarrasment. i just want to delete my account or atlest those pics

Eri October 22, 2011

The tips are very good, and kinda helped my friends but no luck with me. Long time ago, my laptop’s hard disk crushed and i had to do “back up” to save my files and stuff, but my passwords were lost. I kept them in a wordpad tho, but when i tried to log back it was saying that i can’t use my youtube password anymore ( ’cause i’ve changed it many times / I still remember my youtube account password if that’s helpful. ), and had to use my gmail one. I tried, 4 different options and it didn’t worked at all.. I even tried to remember the possible answers of the forms, but I can’t, cause I’ve made that account almost 2 years ago. Can someone please help me?

Eri October 22, 2011

ps; I don’t remember well my security answer, and don’t have a Mobile phone into the acc to prove.

sonia October 31, 2011

i can’t access my orkut account my password is not working and also i forget my security question so please tell me how can i recover my id and also how i can login in my orkut account please help me

Ron November 10, 2011

Somebody hack my google account but I answer all the question what they asked and I can’t access.

khyatimajoka November 11, 2011

hey ron its also my problam if u searched also tell me…………..

shilpa December 4, 2011

Hi, I think some one has hacked my rediffmail account and changed password.From past 6 yrs i was using, when i tried to login with same password suddenly the profile is changed and i am getting only new emails. what about my old 800 emails? Can any body help me at the earliest.

prakash December 18, 2011

my email id was hacked, and the password and recovery options were changed. i dosent know the other recovery options, becoz i couldnt remember the details of dates, labels etc… i need to get back my account. becoz all my banking transactions are associated with my gmail account!! any other ways or details regarding my problem is sincerely appreciated!!!

Arun December 28, 2011

Hello Sir,….

last 2months before my gmail-id hacked my someone.
He changed his own recovery mail address and cell-number instead of mine.
If u can plz help me.

reply me plzz

anu January 9, 2012

today my gmail account get hacked. i had submitted the form. but my security question was changed by dat’s showing error “email id or password incorrect”. what can i do. plz help me..
or plz tell me how to delete ny google account which was hacked for permenant.

gayatri January 14, 2012

hey can u help me oyt my gmail anf facebook account has been hacked i need it back plzz help me out

arun January 15, 2012

my gmail id hacked last 3 months before….i tried…hacker changed the phone number and recovery mail-id……Dont use windows without anti-virus….Use linux as much as better..

Menaka February 4, 2012

Hi.. my gmail account was hacked.My password was changed and they hacked my alternate email also. so in this case what should i do.I need my account. moreover the hackers enabled 2-step verification also. Account recovery form also bounces. kindly do the needful.

pallavi February 21, 2012

my gmail has been hacked 10days back and recovery options changed i tried account recovery from an its reply is answers were not matched..plz i want my id back wat shud i do?

Ashok February 29, 2012

Hi.. my gmail account was hacked.My password was changed and they hacked my alternate email also. so in this case what should i do,my email id was hacked, and the password and recovery options were changed. i dosent know the other recovery options,.plz i want my id back wat shud i do?

edfrank2012 June 29, 2012

hey guys probably not on the right topic for this but need help and advise..awhile ago some one hacked my mail i know its was hacked so deleted lately i just found some of my pictures posted on some site i have no idea what to do.i dont want them out there please i need help what can i do?

tinku August 31, 2012

hi sir
my frnd’s orkut id hacked by someone and changed dat passwrd.
pls tell me hw can we get our account back….is it possble. pls help me………..

sridher October 13, 2012

pls somebody change my pass word how can i get my password

Arup Ghosh November 5, 2012

If forgot password option fails it is really hard to get access to the account using the contact form, the information need to fill up the form is really hard to supply .

vineet November 10, 2012

my yahoo and gmail account is not open i have lost my password and my facebook and orkut password is based on this account so how can i got my yahoo and gmail passwoed

Neha Singal April 22, 2013


Please help someone hacked by gmail company account he change all question answer after 2 days he delete by account plz help..

sunita dabur June 26, 2013

in fact my account was hacked 3 dys ago bt as o know the person so i tried my best and got it back while I tried my best but now again it has happened though i changed the password….is it possible sombody to hack it without knowing my password

Ankit Bansal August 23, 2013

Some great tips. Email id has to be highly secure cause it can help us regain control of many of our accounts. Great tips.

Camil Miller November 9, 2015

someone hacked my adsense the person who hacked delete my account how can i get it back