How to add a color scheme to your Facebook account

Don't you get bored of the monotonous blue color scheme on your Facebook account? Well here is how to automatically change that.

Don’t you get bored with the monotonous blue color scheme on your Facebook account? Well here is how to automatically change that.

By using this Gresemonkey script you can auto change your account’s color.

What does the Script do?

  • Changes the color according to the profile picture.
  • Every page you open that is photo album, friend’s profile or whatever, the color will be changed accordingly.
  • Each friend page has a separate color scheme according to their profile picture.

How to remove it?

  • Go to tools.
  • Select Greasemonkey.
  • Select manage userscripts->Remove.

Anyone who is bored of the plain blue color background should use this. You do not have to worry of the CPU usage and all, it is minimum and the color changes are also very smooth. This is one of the scripts I love to use, it makes my Facebook browsing colourful ! 🙂 If you know any other such scripts do share them with me through the comments below.