Set Your Profile Search Visibility on Facebook

“Be on facebook to be in google search”. But do you know that public profile of facebook are quite different than the profile you, your friend and everyone who’s on facebook watches. But on facebook each and everything is customizable. You can set what to show and to whom.Just check out this page and select search visibility accordingly from everyone to friends of friends or just even friends.You can also select the “People who can see me in search can see” options but it’s always good to see the preview of your public profile.

To get a preview click on “see preview” link given in “Public Search Listing”.Check the screen shot below:

Search facebook

[Editor’s Note: This post is submitted by our guest blogger Sauravjit, the author of musicnlifestyle.

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Manoj PAl August 22, 2009

I want to see my face book image in google.i have also want to reach my profile at 1st place in google search engine.Please suggest your ideas.

Thanks for sharing information.

Manoj Pal

sauravjit August 22, 2009

Sorry dude, there’s no such way of doing that.