[Stats] 79% Growth in Total minutes Spent on Facebook

Comparing the last year's stat with 2009 we found out that there is a 79% change when it comes to total number of minutes spend on Facebook. Wow, that is a good number of change.

Comparing the last year’s stat with 2009 we found out that there is a 79% change when it comes to total number of minutes spend on Facebook. Wow, that is a good number of change. Have a look at the image below.

Facebook statistics are growing every day. When we compare it on yearly basis we find out a big % change in all most everything. Total unique visitors are increased, average daily visitors are also increased. Well, more and more people are joining Facebook and being social.

With the recent incident of Egypt getting free from Mubarak, I guess more people want to get into Facebook era and share their likes . I am sure when next year we will compare the stats, Facebook will still be growing and happy!

This comparison was made by comScore. According to them Facebook visitors in the 35-54 years old age group actually dropped by 3.6 percentage points in 2010, but Facebook saw gains in the percentage of visits from the under-18 crowd and those 55 and older. What could be the reason ?

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