Reply To: why my article in the trash


Home Forums Guest Blogging Issues with Pending Posts Reply To: why my article in the trash

Aditya Kane

Hi Alaayounes,

That post was rejected for a a few reasons.

  1. The post was a very wordy article on basically why Kindle wireless device should be used. But it had no real insights on why it is better than other tablets that are around or anything particular about the Kindle.
  2. It was not exactly about a very new device and it lacked listing of some basic specifications too. It also lacked information on availability and price .
  3. It had only small generic image of a tablet.
  4. Finally it also had text based links at the end of the post which we do not allow. You can update your website in the bio.

You can check our Guidelines and FAQs for further details on why posts are rejected.

Hope you are okay with the feedback.