Vizerra- View 3D Virtual Models of World Heritage Sites

imagesVizerra is a unique software, which allows you to visit all the most beautiful places in the world!
You can surf the highest quality 3D copies of these sites, listen to audio guides, read their detailed descriptions provided by reputable Publishers and Museums, or use a full-functional map service. And all this in just one application!

Vizerra is the first world’s first 3D educational portal which enable its users to travel to different historic locations Old Town Square, Macchu Picchu and Angkor Vat directly from your computer. This software is useful for those lazy guys and girls who are curious but do not want to spend their money on traveling to particular destination. Besides offering high quality 3D copies of these sites, it also provides audio guides with detailed description made by reputable publishers and museums. Each model comes with a comprehensive description (just like Wikipedia) that provides users more information such as the history, culture and many more.


According to Vizerra, they have launched many locations and they have focused on launching 3 different locations per month and about 30 locations by the end of 2009.

(Source: Vizerra)

[Editor’s Note: This post is submitted by our guest blogger Dinesh Verma, alias WorldOfQuest. Dinesh is passionate about blogging and tries to provide all what people need today- WEB2.0 through his blog Teen Tech Guru.

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One Comment

xphunt3r July 2, 2009

its a kinda great info………