Why Orkut removed user pics from its homepage Logo!

Just noticed orkut has changed its homepage drastically!

At first a funny thought came to my mind! I felt the logo might be temporarily changed for India. As Orkut featured Indian logo 2 days back I thought the original is lost somewhere so this temporary arrangement (see following screenshot)! Lolz!

Orkut Homepage Logo

But I checked from various proxies and the logo is same everywhere! If you fail to remember, let me show you old orkut logo featuring 10 faces! (thanks Google Cache)

Orkut Homepage Old Logo

It would not be surprise if these faces have been changed but orkut removed all faces! And I failed to figure out why???

So everybody out there… Let us know if you can figure out some answer! 🙂


Venkatesh Vedhakumar August 17, 2007

Orkut had changed the login image in order to put an end to fake login pages, and I think orkut is going to roll images on login page, what do you think about this

from Venkatesh vedhakumar

Rahul Bansal August 17, 2007

This can be a reason but still there has to be more!
As new fake login screens with new logo can be created in minutes!

Venkatesh Vedhakumar August 17, 2007

then it seems like orkut want to show them they are updated for new service

Rahul Bansal August 17, 2007

may be… or this logo cud be temporory!
May b they r finding new faces! lolz! 😀

Pramod Ghuge aka geeneeyes August 18, 2007

Orkut is gearing up for a new look and great new features…
it is not a coincidence that new logo was unveiled at the same time that most users can send rich content scraps (images, flash, html)

so definitely Orkut want to make the public feel like its newer and better!

Rahul Bansal August 20, 2007

Nice answer! 🙂
Thanks Pramod… I guess you are write about better orkut thing.
As they are adding features which shows orkut is going through major upgrades!

Davinder August 18, 2007

may be orkut is looking for some fresh faces…;)

Rahul Bansal August 20, 2007

this could be right but isn’t it practical to find new faces first before removing old ones!

Venkatesh Vedhakumar August 20, 2007

Ya sure, Orkut making it users more crazy on it

I can surely say with this new features orkut will reach next level in communication

More than 10 members asked me for nice websites which provide animations, gif’s, images and many more

so I made an post on it ( Just Click Here )

Venkatesh Vedhakumar August 20, 2007

Can any one predict this, what will be solution. Many sites like Orkutstar, Orkutrix, Scrap mania, TIO etc.. are my favorite sites which provides huge collection of Bar arts and ASCII arts. Now it goes out if passion in Orkut due to new services. What about the site provides ? Are they going to put an end to their site or switch their site to Gif, images..??

Rahul Bansal August 20, 2007

Thanks 4 ur opinion Venkatesh! 🙂
I think these sites will upgrade themselves with new content like images and other media!
Afterall its always survival of fittest! 😉

appus August 25, 2007

duh…..evry1 calls for a change………….

Rahul Bansal August 27, 2007

So it is there! 😉