WordPress 3.0 Tutorial: How to Enable WordPress MU into WordPress 3.0

We have talked a lot about WordPress 3.0 and its capabilities. One of the major feature is ability to run multiple blogs from single WordPress installation. In this tutorial, I will guide you on how you can install multiple WordPress blog in WordPress 3.0. To get started with this upgrade your WordPress to 3.0 and enable multiple site network option.

Once you have edited your wp-config.php file to enable multiple network settings, go to Tools > Network : You will see a screen like this:

subdomain-sub-directories You have two options to select from

  • Sub-domain : site1.Wpveda.com
  • Sub-directories : wpveda.com/site1

In this case, site1 is your sub-domain.  First one is  working as a sub-domain and later one is sub directory. To make your sub-domain work, you need to play with DNS (A Name record). Where as for sub-directories, it is much easier to configure. In this tutorial we will be using Sub-directories.

  • Select Sub directories
  • Give a Name to your network: Ex: Thesis Customization Service Sites
  • Admin Email:

Once you click on Install, you will be taken to next page, where you need to play with your wp-config file and .htaccess file.

1: Create blogs.dir directory

Create a blogs.dir directory in /thesiscustomizationservice.com/wp-content. This directory is used to store uploaded media for your additional sites and must be writeable by the web server.

Login to your FTP  server and create a directory with name Blogs.dir under wp-content folder. This directory will be use to upload all the media files.

2. Add codes to wp-config.php file

add-multi-site-codes Open your wp-config file and add this line of code into it.

3. Add Authentication keys


Add authentication keys into your wp-config file. You might need to replace the old authentication keys. I will suggest take a backup of your wp-config file.

4. Add .htaccess code:


Last thing which you need to do is add few lines into your .htaccess file. If you don’t have .htaccess file by default, read this How to create .htaccess file for WordPress blog. Once you have done all this , click on log in at the lower right hand side and re login to your WordPress blog.

Super Admin in WordPress 3.0

So if you have done every thing as guided in the above post, after re-login you will see  box for super admin at the top left hand side. See Image below

super-admin That’s it, now your blog is MU compatible and you can add any no. of blogs with few clicks. I will be covering how to add more blogs into your WordPress 3.0 installation in the next post.

Do share your views about this tutorial. If you have any query feel free to ask via comments. If you like this post, don’t forget to share it with your followers via Twitter and Facebook.


Jeff June 19, 2010

Thanks for the info, exactly what I was looking for.

Dan June 20, 2010

Thank you sir for the informative post. I was able to upgrade an existing install to 3.0 and configure for multi-site using sub-folders (xxx.com/xxx) and the site is created and I can browse to it no issue. For some reason when I configure for sub-domains (yyy.xxx.com) I can add the site as Super Admin, but when I try and browse the site there is nothing there? Chrome comes back and says it can’t find the site. So, I went back to sub-folders. The problem is that I need to get domain mapping to work. I installed the plug in, added the ip address and then udated the “A” record for @. However, it redirects to hostgators ad server and serves up ads. So, I’m wondering if the domain mapping is a non starter for sub-folder sites? If this is true and sub domains are required for mapping then I’m wondering what I haven’t done, or done wrong. Either way I’m losing hair and sleep. Any help, suggestions, or nuggets of information leading to a resolution would would be most appreciated.


Harsh Agrawal June 20, 2010

Hey Dan
Did you ask hostgator support to add these A record or you did it yourself?
Because I believe this needed to be done via tech support of Hostgator.
Let me know.

Dan June 20, 2010

The blog is a http://www.filmmakersvillage.com and the domain is on Go Daddy and the site is hosted by Host Gator. The domain I’m tying to map is frustratedfilmmakers.com and it is on Go Daddy. The only A Record that I added was the one for frustratedfilmmaker.com on Go Daddy. I have not touched filmmakersvillage.com in any manner either on Go Daddy or through the Control Panel on Host Gator. So, I’m still thinking the problem is that I’m using sub-folders and not sub-domains, but as I had mentioned, I can’t get sub-domains to work, so I’m stuck trying to map to a sub folder. Either way it’s a good thing that I’m good natured and patient, otherwise I’d be bald and drunk by now. Thanks Harsh for your reply and hopefully you’ll be able to offer some guideance based on the above that leads to some resolution.

Aery June 21, 2010

Whats better to use? Sub domain or sub directory?

Dan June 21, 2010

Not sure which is better, but I was not able to get domain mapping with sub folders but did with sub.domains, so in that respect for me sub.domains would seem to be the better choice. There’s an article over at Search Engine journal and he seems to argue in favor of sub-folders, which would lead me to want to use it, so maybe I’ll give it another stab. Here’s the article URL
Search Engine Journal

Harsh Agrawal June 21, 2010

Depending on your usage:
Read more here about difference between both of them: http://www.shoutmeloud.com/subdomain-or-subdirectory-for-wordpress-addon-blogs.html

Dan June 21, 2010

I’m so confused. I went to another domain and ran thruogh the whole process again making sure to configure for sub-domains rather then sub-folders. Still no joy. I was reading in some other forums that the domain to be redirected had to be parked in the main domain. I really don’t think this is true else, a very unscalabl process.
Now what you say about the A record in hostgator confuses me. I have not touched the “A” record for the primary domain where 3.0 is installed. I only modified the “A” record for the domain I want to map on Go Daddy. Am I missing something? Do I need to modify the “A” record in the primary domains DNS zone?

Dan June 21, 2010

Ok, for the domain mapping the last thing to do ( and it was mentioned in some other forums) is the park the domain to be redirected on top of the domain that hosts wordpress. Don’t like this because it is manual, but now it works.

The Logic Solution June 28, 2010

Thanks for the blog , but still i do not know how to create the small websites , waiting for your next post as you promised

Erin July 6, 2010

can you have two totally different domains as opposed to two different sub-domains?

Radhe September 3, 2010

Yes Erin, Using WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin, we can have two different domain.

Nigel August 15, 2010

Is there any way to point each site under the one mu WordPress install to a different IP address on the same server – so that each of your sites would appear as a different IP?


arika August 20, 2010

I am not very techy but managed to go through your instructions and IT WORKED! Thank you so much you did a great job in explaining everything to a T! I use dreamhost as my host and still had no problems at all.

Ali R. Khan September 3, 2010

I wonder How to Move Back to normal Wp?? i mean I dont need MU, but I’ve done all the steps listed above…..and now i want to go back to normal…because i’ve changed my perma link structure..
Please help.

Rahul Bansal September 4, 2010


If permalink structure is only problem, you may like to try this – http://wpveda.com/how-to-change-wordpress-permalink-without-breaking-post-permalink-structure/

If “blog” is getting added to permalinks of your first post – it may be because you have activated multi-site in “subdirectory” mode.

Still, if you want to revert back, you can export database using “Dashboard >> Tools >> Export” menu and import it on a fresh wordpress setup.

Josh March 19, 2011

Okay…quick question. I have wordpress mu installed and want to revert back, but I have a ton of content already created and published on my blog.

So my question is if I export as you mention above do I need to purchase another domain and create a whole new blog? I want to just change my current blog back to normal without starting up a new blog. I ask this since you said I would have to import it on a fresh wordpress setup.

I already have a lot of high ranking pages and don’t want to start over with a whole new domain and blog. Could you please explain how to do this without having to start over from scratch with a whole new domain and blog. I’m running wordpress 3.0.1

Would I also loose all my rankings in Google if I did this?

Dan September 3, 2010

I’m wondering the same exact thing. I would think that you would need to just edit, or restore the wp-config and htaccess files back to their original state. That would be my guess. What else could one do? I haven’t tested this but if you have your original files, just restore them (but make sure you back up first)

Brian December 8, 2010

I just got WordPress multisite working on my MediaTemple GS hosting and wrote a post about how I did it. http://howtobuildablogsite.com/how-to/install-wordpress-3-mu-domain-mapping-mediatemple-hosting/ I hope it help others.

Shane January 19, 2011

Thanks very much for a great tutorial, much appreciated

nandupatel March 8, 2011

when I did this, I am getting an error like this:
You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

Please help….

Daniel March 8, 2011

Thanks a lot! I`ve been looking for this for ages. The site was literally done in 5 min. Great tut!!!

joe March 26, 2011

Why nobody mentioned that it’s not SUPER ADMIN anymore!!! It’s called “Network Admin” place on the top far right! Gosh! Nobody cares to say anything.

Jaki Levy May 9, 2011

These are great WordPress resources – I actually just started digging into a really really solid book on WordPress 3.0. It’s got some really nice code samples, and is written by a few pro WordPress developers (including some from Envato). I’m actually giving away 2 copies of the e-book on my site – check out the details about the e-book and the giveaway here – I think you’ll dig it : http://bit.ly/lq20Ff

Stacey May 15, 2011

Thanks!! I had to go through this several times before I got it right but it’s a good walkthrough. Someday I’ll know WP like the back of my hand.

Michael May 23, 2011

I was also wondering about that. I thought i had did everything right, although i wasn’t prompted for the authentication keys. No super admin but i did get that network admin thing. Does that mean that I did everything properly? Also, when making the blog.dir file does one just need to go make new and label it that or do you need to specifically make it a directory somehow? Sorry guys but im new to all this. Thanks for any help!!

ApniVideo July 16, 2011

When I try to add this “define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);”
It create conflict with Google XML Sitemaps.. Getting this error msg”Google XML Sitemaps is not multisite compatible.”
Any help really appreciates ….