WpNginx service for WordPress

Ever thought of running your own blog network with cool WordPress features like Multisite or Domain mapping? Answer to this question is Nginx. :)

This is a cross-post from WpNginx.com telling you how you can also get your websites working like ours with no downtime. 🙂 We have earlier also helped you with Nginx . Nginx is faster and easier to configure that gives you a better speed. You can avail this facility with our new service WpNginx.

Why Nginx?

We are running 30 sites with 50K total page reviews everyday from one single VPS and after analysing our server logs we can confidently say that we can handle another 50K hits daily without upgrading the VPS plan further, which is amazing. 🙂 Other than Nginx we have discovered many new ways to optimize our website’s performance and take it to a level where rtCamp.com homepage beats Google.com homepage in YSlow as well as PageSpeed like performance metrics. Any blog/site can avail this service now.

Who should use it?

Ever thought of running your own blog network with cool WordPress features like Multisite or Domain mapping? Answer to this question is Nginx.

For any queries or doubts you can refer to our FAQ. Services that we are offering can be viewed at link.

If you have any doubt in choosing Nginx, you can have a look here. For anything else that you wish to know feel free to leave a comment and we will reply you. 🙂