Recently I wrote about Nokia poking fun at Apple’s iPhone by showing how Nokia phones can be held without ever the fear of losing connectivity. While the laughter around the net was about to die out, we have we came across a incredibly funny idea post about an accessory for Apple called the iHand. As holding the iPhone 4 in your hand can cause the phone to lose connectivity Apple will roll out this accessory called the iHand which replicates a hand. 😀
Image: Scoopertino
The detail of this spoof is funnier with ideas like it will in various tones like iHand Caucasian, iHand Black, iHand Indian, iHand Asian. 😛
Apparently the accessory will cost $69 and will help people to hold the iPhone 4 without any signal issues.
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Do write in your funny comments about the iHand. 😛
Link: Scoopertino
This is crazy.. cant believe it… m sure u r kidding…
Its looks so funny man