Even before websites had RSS feeds on them, people followed their websites by bookmarking pages on their browser. Even today, I have several webpages bookmarked on my browser.
Anyone with several bookmarks on a browser might be familiar with the issue of some bookmarks becoming defunct (bad links) or even being saved multiple times. Bookmark Sentry is an extension, that allows users to scan Chrome bookmarks for bad links and duplicate links.
Bookmark Sentry Features
- Install the extension and it carries out a scan of Chrome’s bookmark directory.
- It will show up 404 links, duplicate content and empty folders. With a single click all the errors can be cleaned up.
- Users can also set the time for the extension to scan the bookmarks. I ideally set the scan to be done after 1 month as we do not bookmark too many webpages everyday.

As this extension works only on Chrome, you might like these cool tips to get more out of your Chrome browser.
Do drop in your comments.
Link: Bookmark Sentry