Bumptop to give Google Chrome OS a 3D Desktop?

Bumptop has been bought by Google and it has stopped supporting 3d environments for Mac and Windows OS. Does it means Bumptop will be Chrome OS 3d Desktop?

Bumptop is a software which allows Windows and Mac users to create realistic 3D environments on their desktops for handling files and folders. Desktop has not really changed much for most operation systems. Most of them still serve as a stationary jump off point for folders and files. BumpTop allowed users to use the 3D desktop in interesting ways.

Below is a snapshot of a typical desktop using BumpTop.

Image Credit: Arstechnica

Visit the Bumptop website which is makes an interesting announcement.

Bumptop is not letting people download the software which converts the desktop into a 3d environment. Also it announces as it has been bought by Google it will not be supporting Mac and Windows any more. 😛

This pretty much points to Bumptop being used to give Chromium OS a killer desktop. Google probably might use this sort of software as a great interface for tablets which use Chrome OS. The first official release of the Chromium OS is supposed to be later in the year but there is not real clarity on it.

Bumptop had showed its awesome 3D desktop which could be used with a touch screen. See the video below.

So what do you think Google with do with BumpTop? Will if create the ultimate 3D desktop environment? Do let us know through your comments.

Link: ChromeOSSite.com


Pranay July 27, 2010

Probably but it is google an you never know what are they upto. they can experiment this technology to bring some awesome 3D games in chromium OS

Aditya Kane July 27, 2010

I do not think they will get into 3d games. They would focus more on desktops rather than games.

anthrax July 28, 2010

very nice concept,
this will change the way we do things on our computers Forever !!