Categorize your Friends on Facebook

Facebook has recently updated their Friends page, giving the users more options to organize and manage their contacts. Now, you could organize hundreds of friends into different categories making categorization and management easier for yourself. You can now divide your friends into “logical groups” like friends, relatives, college buddies, acquaintances, etc.

clip_image003Facebook has recently updated their Friends page, giving the users more options to organize and manage their contacts. Now, you could organize hundreds of friends into different categories making categorization and management easier for yourself. You can now divide your friends into “logical groups” like friends, relatives, college buddies, acquaintances, etc.

New Enhancements

You can…

  1. Organize people into various lists. This will not show up anywhere on your profile page, but is only for own convenience.
  2. Create Friend Groups and send bulk or private messages easily.
  3. Have up to 100 friend lists and up to 1,500 friends per friend list.
  4. Have the same friend on multiple lists as well.

The new friends page also makes navigation simple within the friends page.

Here is the list of the the views you get now:

  1. Friend Recommendations
  2. Search
  3. Browse by Network
  4. Browse in Alphabetical Order
  5. Phonebook
  6. Recent Friends
  7. Friend List Filters


Some people might disagree and not call this an improvement at all. A few of my friends have been telling me that they were quite happy with the way things were earlier. In the earlier version also, they were able to arrange and manage their Friends lists quite effectively. Now every thing appears to be mixed up and all their earlier settings are out of order. Who has the time to sit again and reorganize everything again?

Moreover, this feature lacks privacy controls, which is a big drawback. Also, I have hundreds of friends in my network… what a painful task to go through the entire list and arrange them into the various categories. Honestly, I don’t see my self doing that. I’d rather leave them as they are.

Share your comments and let us know what you think of Facebook’s new friends list.


Harsh Agrawal May 3, 2009

This group feature is a great enhancement from Facebook. Facebook has lots of potential to reach targeted customer like Twitter.

Facebook can be easily use to target your online audience. Since it allows you to add up to 5K friends. Arranging them in particular group and hitting a single group with a message is a great feature according to me.

Swati May 5, 2009

@ Harsh Agrawal,
Maybe I will give it a shot. 🙂