Create Multiple Desktops Spaces on Windows

nSpaces_SwitcherWindows does not have an inbuilt feature to create multiple desktops. This is quite useful when you want to have a cleaner desktop while working.

For example shortcuts to all games could be on one desktop layout while all browser shortcuts on another.

I came across this software, which allows users to create and switch between multiple Desktops. Also users can customize the desktops with different wallpapers and icons.

Features of nSpaces Multiple Desktop

  • Install the software and start customizing new desktops. The software allows creating up to 4 desktops.
  • I found that I could customize the wallpaper, apps, shortcuts and background colour.
  • Navigating from one desktop to another can be done with keyboard shortcuts. Even these HotKeys can be customized further.
  • When the desktop space is changed, it behaves like a completely new desktop. Even the browsers have to be synced again.


So if you are looking for cleaner and more organized desktop, nSpaces will be a good idea to create multiple desktops.

Do drop in your comments.

Link: Download nSpaces