Firefox 3.5 is officially out!

Yes, as confirmed by Mozilla, they have officially released Firefox 3.5. My earlier post detailed about the features but now you can experience all of these yourself with the public release of Firefox 3.5. If you are a Firefox fan like me, am sure, by this time, you would have already upgraded your browser. Well, here are some more interesting facts about this magnificent organic software

World wide real-time Firefox downloads is a micro site developed to showcase the amazingly fast canvas rendering capabilities of Firefox 3.5. This page uses no applets, no flash or any other plugin to render real-time firefox downloads on a world map! It actually plots graphs in real time at a lightning speed using a magical blend of server and client side magic! Try dragging/scrolling the Canvas map, its really nice work. Here is another fabulous example of what can be achieved using the canvas element and its improved rendering capabilities. This is a first person shooter game (remember Wolfestine 3D?) completely coded using JS and Canvas. Whats surprising is that the code size of this whole game is just 13.33 kb!

Had enough of the canvas element. Well, there is more to the new Firefox apart from canvas and fast rendering JS. Session Restore is one such feature. As quoted by Mozilla, “If Firefox or your computer unexpectedly closes, you don’t have to spend time recovering data or retracing your steps through the Web. If you’re in the middle of typing an email, you’ll pick up where you left off, even down to the last word you typed. Session Restore instantly brings back your windows and tabs, restoring text you entered and any in-progress downloads.”

Video tag support is what all of us were expecting, however its really amazing to watch it in action. Checkout this embeded video to understand what I mean (will work only on Firefox 3.5). Apart from a demo of the HTML5’s video tag, the video content will also give you an overview of a lot of other interesting features.

(Source:, some bit of Googling and tweets by John Resig)
(Image credits:

[Editor’s Note: This post is submitted by our guest blogger Akshay Raje. Akshay is a self thought freelance web designer and developer, loves to travel and is a great movie buff too. Web.D is about his projects and experiments with web technologies.

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