Get ready for a Facebook Instant Search now

Ever wanted to search people or a specific post on Facebook without being logged in? Well here is how. :) A 20 year old student in Dubai named Nour Syron has created Facebook Instant Search.

Ever wanted to search people or a specific post on Facebook without being logged in? Well here is how. 🙂 A 20-year-old student in Dubai named Nour Syron has created Facebook Instant Search. One morning he got up and checked his msn to see his latest messages and discovered about the guy who got job by creating you tube instant. Nour thought how about Facebook Instant now. 🙂

What was the need of creating Facebook Instant Search ?

  • Search Facebook instantly (including posts, pages and updates).
  • Searching in your friends’ posts, status, comments is possible after you login.
  • Without logging in, you will still be able to search in public posts.
  • No history saved on your disk
  • All the searches and the results are shown in one page!!
  • Easy usage as you just need to start typing and the results will show up instantly.

Wow, hats off to him. You can have a look yourself  here. He still has some issues which need to be solved. Where is Mark Zuckerberg, is he not going to hire him or at least appreciate this person?  In his blog he has also mentioned about some problems with which he is trying to deal alone. Don’t you think he should get some support from people who can help! I think everyone should appreciate what he has come up with and anyone who can help him should come ahead and do so. 🙂

What do you think of it? Feel free to share your comments here. 🙂


POC October 11, 2010
iTunes instant search is a utility that creates instant iTunes search results as users look for downloads from the iTunes Store.
Facebook Instant Search in all posts publics is a utility that creates instant facebook results on all public posts

Himadri Dimri October 11, 2010

Ok POC thank you for sharing that info. I checked it out ,was pretty nice!