How to get large images on Facebook

Have you ever thought how nice it would have been if you didn't have to strain your eyes to see that image on Facebook? Well I have done that many times, to see an image while chatting or maybe while looking at the profile picture of someone. Here is how to see a big image on hover. :)

Have you ever thought how nice it would have been if you didn’t have to strain your eyes to see that image on Facebook? Well I have done that many times, to see an image while chatting or maybe while looking at the profile picture of someone. Here is how to see a big image on hover. 🙂

This Greasemonkey script named as Facebook Large images does it all. 🙂

What does the Script do?

  • Lets you see Facebook images in full size when you hover over them.
  • It works on all the pages.

How to install it?

  • Just go here.
  • Click Install.
  • Refresh the browser.

How to Uninstall/Remove it?

  • Go to Tools.
  • Click Greasemonkey.
  • Select Manage Userscripts.
  • Click Remove on the script name.

Remember that the above steps are for Mozilla Firefox. Hope this helped you a bit, install it and let me know your experience. 🙂 If you know any other user scripts do share them with me through the comments below.