How to Upgrade WordPress to WordPress 3.0

We just informed you about WordPress 3.0 final release and now it’s time to upgrade WordPress to the latest version. We will be coming up with lots of tricks and hacks related to WordPress 3.0, but before that lets update our blog to latest WordPress 3.0. Make sure you take a complete backup of your WordPress blog before upgrading your blog. If something goes wrong with automatic upgrade, we can easily restore to earlier version. We will be using automatic Dashboard upgrade feature to upgrade WordPress to latest version.

Login to your WordPress panel, and at the top you will see a notification which says WordPress 3.0 is available , please update now.

Click on the screen and in the next screen click on upgrade automatically.


If everything goes right, you will see successfully upgraded to WordPress 3.0 screen like this.

Go to your dashboard and you will see your WordPress is running with latest version 3.0

WordPress automatic upgrade made upgrading WordPress very easy. Though I will highly recommend to take a complete backup of your blog before upgrading and in case if you not comfortable with this, take help of experts.

Do let us know if you upgraded your WordPress blog to 3.0 this time or not?


Techshares June 18, 2010

not able to add tags in this new wp3 for me , how to get back older version

jaswanth June 18, 2010

Thanks for this article friend…!

Sandi Myers June 18, 2010

I host my own wordpress blog, and have never had any problems with upgrading. This time, after deactivating the plugins and upgrading with the automatic feature – all of my images have disappeared! I’ve a thread started in the forum, but it’s very disheartening to see something like this happen.

Jeyaganesh June 20, 2010

I have upgraded to wp3.
My image uploader is not working.I cant able to add images now.How to recover from this??

donnyien June 26, 2010

Thanks a lot.
I still unable to upgrate automaticly.why?