A social network is a bit like a virtual party. People interact and discuss things mainly around current events. That is why Live sporting events like the Olympics are followed very actively on social media websites.
Today, when the US President Barack Obama got re-elected, he (probably his campaign team) showed exactly why Facebook and Twitter are social media champions and why Google+ is more or less a dead place.
On winning the elections Obama’s official account on Twitter shared the photo below. It quickly became the most retweeted Tweet in the history of micro-blogging platform.

On Facebook too, Obama’s official account shared the same photo and it too broke the record for being the most “Liked” photo on the website’s history.

In other words, the photo got an incredible 2.8 million Likes and over 600,000 retweets. Moving over to Obama’s official Google+ profile, it shows the latest update is over a day old. The iconic photo is missing and no one has even bothered to update it with today’s election news.
This clearly shows that when its about reaching out to people, Google+ simply resembles a empty room instead of a happening party. As someone who really likes Google+ for its privacy options, Hangouts feature and its beautiful design, I find it very disappointing to see so little activity on it even after more than a year after its launch. Even though Hangouts is popular, I float the idea of a hangout with friends first on Facebook. If I did so on Google+, I am sure no one would really notice it at all to respond.
What are your thoughts on Google+? Do let us know through your comments.
You are right Aditya Google+ is a dead ground…
Don’t worry @AdityaKane . Obama will make a hangout on Google Plus and break all records 🙂
Anyway, “Hangout” is the best feature on Google plus. I think, we could explore so many possibilities on this feature, especially in educational sector . Can we expect some live events on this ‘dead place’ in near future ?
@Sajitha: Obama has already had a Google+ Hangout long ago and it was very popular. The real point of the post is not about Obama but about Google+ being really behind FB and Twitter when its about real-time events.
Google+ is actually better than Facebook, but the thing is no one actually cares about the features they’ve all their friends on Facebook so, they’ll never move.
3 years back same was with Orkur, people had their friends on Orkut so, they never even cared of FB, Twitter. But when they realized most of the chaps are moving to FB, they moved too. Google just needs to attract just some portion of the crowd and rest will follow automatically 😉
If you think G+ is dead, then you have no idea how to use it
@Joe: Maybe you could write a guest post on our blog and enlighten us on how G+ should be used. Just attacking others with statements “you have no idea how to us it” are not really helpful and does not make a point either.