OrkutFeeds will be down for a week

(cross posted on OrkutFeeds blog)

We are sorry to announce but we have to take down Orkutfeeds service completely for a major update.

As posted on our main blog, we have recently shifted to dedicated private servers which cost us a lot. Also as we do not make any money from OrkutFeeds, we can’t let this resource hungry service to burn holes in our pockets.

The only solution which seems good enough now, is to re-code most part of it with exclusive support for caching. That way we can reduce load on our server as well as on Orkut server by 80%. Atleast as per our calculation.

Call for PHP geeks…

If you are a PHP geek and like to volunteer for next version of Orkutfeeds, please contact us.

As we are not making any money from this service as of now, your efforts will not be monetized immediately. But we have plan to make money from this service in future and if you happen to be with us there on timeline, we will surely make you rich! 😉

Sorry once again for downtime. I hope to fix everything within a week.

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