Thank you all of u! Devils workshop crossed 100,000 visitors mark!

To all Devils’ Workshops’ Devils, This is first time I guess I am writing something personal or better say non-technical! The occasion is, the day before yesterday (on March 31) we have crossed 100,000 visitors mark!

I joined blogger around February 2006, but Devils workshop was started somewhere around June-July! Actually this blog was named ‘Here I am’ with dark black background till then! This blog is my first online presence on global Internet!

The popularity of Devils Workshop started to gain from August 2006, but due to my love to all of you readers & well-wishers we have decided to celebrate the 1st anniversary of Devils Workshop on May 7 when this workshop received its first comment by Uthfull. My first few posts has been removed for some technical reasons. 🙁

I don’t think I will be available on May 7 for any sort of celebration as I have to appear for my last exam starting from May 8 (Hooray, no more academic exams will be there after that!)

So here itself I want to specially thanks to some fellow bloggers Anil Wadghule (who brought me to the blogosphere), Chetan, Surun, Darnell, Amit Agrawal, Vijay Bhasker, Abhishek Bhatnagar and to all of you who helped this blog cross first 100K mark! 🙂

Thank You! 🙂