TripAdvisor gets Facebook’s Instant Personalization

Whether we want to watch a movie, read some online ebooks or just search the internet for travel plans we need our friend's advice. Facebook has made our lives easier before also, through the instant personalization with Scribd and Rotten tomatoes, now it is TripAdvisor's turn.

Whether we want to watch a movie, read some online ebooks or just search the internet for travel plans we need our friend’s advice. Facebook has made our lives easier before also, through the instant personalization with Scribd and Rotten tomatoes, now it is TripAdvisor’s turn.

Yes, now you can plan your trips to other places, get the reviews and more, all from your friends. Facebook has personalized TripAdvisor now.

What is the difference now?

  • You can see where all your friends have been and take the review from them.
  • You get reviews of hotels, restaurants etc from your friends.
  • Planning on something we do need our friends view in them.


So now when you visit TripAdvisor, you are welcomed with a Facebook login and your favorite pal’s reviews! Did you log in to TripAdvisor today and noticed the difference? Share your views with me through the comments below.