What do Google and Bing think about each other? [Funny]

This one is not really a serious analysis of Google and Bing. It is neither a serious discussion about what these two search engines think about it. But I guess sometimes the truth seems to spill out unknowingly. Richie has published a funny post on what does Google think about other websites. Here I bring to your what does Google and Bing think about each other.

Google Search has a feature called Search Suggestions which drop down suggestions as you type in a query. Now Bing also comes with search suggestions.

What does Google think of Bing?


What does Bing think of Google?


Hope you liked it and now let me know what you think about it? 😉


Rajesh Kanuri @ TechCats January 20, 2010

Lolz.. this is funny . .

keerthy January 23, 2010


wonderful very very waste of time

Tushar Agarwal December 19, 2011

Hahaha this is even better than googling how to or removing 😛