Wish u all a very happy n rocking new year 2010!

Dear Readers & Bloggers,

Devils Workshop and Team rtBlogs wishes you all a very happy n rocking new year 2010 ahead. ๐Ÿ™‚
New Year 2010 Signpost

Year 2009 – At A Glance!

We started 2009 with a much-detailed post here.

More than 1000 posts has been published by 50 authors on DW in 2009. You can see list of all authors on DW here.

We managed to get a big and polished-office in Pune now for rtCamp.ย Our blogging team has been already expanding and we will be announcing few great news soon over the next 2-3 weeks.

Plan for Year 2010!

rtBlogs will become autonomous entity with its own team and leaders. With DW redesign projects a great deal of exercised will be carried over next 3 months.

If all goes well, you will be thrilled to be part of rtBlogs network. And we thank you in advance for being with us all over the time!

As we are really upto some big things I cannot disclose more details ahead of time! ๐Ÿ˜‰

New Year GiveAway

The new year for DW readers has been already kicked off by a great webhosting giveaway sponsored by Harsh. If you are a new blogger and looking forward to start blogging on your own server, this is your chance, so don’t forget to participate as contest is open till January 15th!

On Personal Front…

I haven’t started my personal blog yet but I will try my best to do it it this year. I really hate using my name and I am yet to settle on a good name for my personal blog!ย But, if plan for year 2010 goes well for rtBlogs, I may end up being a regular author again on Devils Workshop and WpVeda! This is what they call full-circle! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Rest thank you all for being with Devils Workshop and all other blogs in network!

Keep reading, keep blogging! ๐Ÿ™‚

UPDATE: rtCamp is winner of Kaltura Challenge!

Just checked this great news from Zohar that rtCamper Kapil Gonge’s open-source BuddyPress-kaltura plugin declared winner of Kaltura Contest! You can read more details here!


Harsh Agrawal January 2, 2010

Thanks Rahul for Warm wishes and best of luck for time ahead. Meanwhile I’m waiting for your post on Popular posts of 2009 and similar posts in series..
And it’s my honor to giveaway premium hostgator hosting to DW readers.

Sauravjit January 2, 2010

Happy New Year @Rahul

Why you’ve registered for your own contest?

Vaibhav - Programming Kid January 2, 2010

Happy New Year everyone! DW rocks!

themepremium January 2, 2010

Because Many users were not used to Tweet link.. So that was for an example.. That was a temp comment..which Is removed now…

Simran January 3, 2010

Happy new year DW and Harsh… All the best for your future projects ๐Ÿ™‚

Heena January 3, 2010

Thankx nd same to u

Sridhar Iyer January 4, 2010

Wishing you the same… A Very Happy New Year to the DW gang ๐Ÿ˜‰

Wishing you all Good Luck ….