WordPress 3.0 RC1 is Available For Download

WordPress developers have made available the first release candidate edition of WordPress 3.0. After the follow up of 3.0 Beta2, they have made it to RC1 now. You can download from the official site. For people who doesn’t know what is RC (Release Candidate), an RC comes after beta and before the final launch. It means, the wordpress 3.0 has got everything done, all features finished, all bugs squashed, and all potential issues addressed.

Wordpress Logo

You cannot say it 100%, sure you will have bugs. So, you can try WordPress 3.0 RC1 on your dummy sites. If you’re a developer or testing testing out this RC1 WP3 and find bugs, you can report it via the wp-testers mailing list. So that they could rectify it before the public release of the stable version.

Some of the bugs and features fixed are –

  • Custom menus are finished!
  • Multi-site is all set.
  • Appearance of the admin panel is lightened up, so as not to distract attention from the content

Download – WordPress 3.0 RC1