New Website Translator Widget from Google

People from all over the world can access your site. Although most of them will be comfortable with the default language of your website, be it English or any other, its always possible that someone might want to view it in their own language. Of course they can go to the Google translate site and do the needful, but wouldn't it be better if you provided that facility in your website itself, as a widget?

mnPeople from all over the world can access your site. Although most of them will be comfortable with the default language of your website, be it English or any other, its always possible that someone might want to view it in their own language. Of course they can go to the Google translate site and do the needful, but wouldn’t it be better if you provided that facility in your website itself, as a widget?

Recently Google Translate underwent a revamp, and along with it came new tools. The tool we are talking about here is the translate tool that you can embed in your website/blog. Here’s how you can add it to your blogger blog:

  1. Login to your blogger account and go to your blogs Layout >> Page Elements.1
  2. Now click on Add a Gadget.2
  3. Now select HTML/JavaScript.3
  4. In the new window that opens, enter the following code:
  5. <div id=”google_translate_element”></div><script>
    function googleTranslateElementInit() {
    new google.translate.TranslateElement({
    pageLanguage: ‘en’
    }, ‘google_translate_element’);
    </script><script src=””></script>

  6. That’s it! Click on Save and then take a look at your blog. Simple wasn’t it?

To configure more options you can go to this page.

The feature that I liked the most in this widget is the live translation ie. the page does not reload while it is being translated. Pretty neat, I would say!

When the translation takes place a toolbar can also be seen at the top, which show’s more languages to which you can translate the page into as well as revert back to the original.


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One Comment

Trike Motorcycles · November 14, 2010

google translator is great but sometimes there are so many errors on the translation -‘,