ReadTwit: Follow Twitter with RSS


It has been a couple of months since I really started using Twitter regularly and hence the number of people and organizations I follow have gone up dramatically.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to stay up to date with all the links that are sent out by people and in the process might lose out on a vital update. πŸ™

But today I came across a tweet thanks to following Google Reader on Twitter which recommended using ReadTwit a website that basically transforms the links sent by people I follow into RSS format.

It is a website with the tag-line “Links from your Twitter feed in clean RSS format” and it does exactly that.

How to subscribe ?

  • For obvious reasons you need a Twitter account and then need to visit the homepage of ReadTwit. Then click on ‘Get Fed’.
  • Next you sign-in with your Twitter account.
  • And Finally choose the RSS reader you want. πŸ™‚

Now you are ready to follow 100s of updates and links everyday on Twitter a lot more effectively πŸ˜‰

Follow me on Twitter:

Link: ReadTwit


Sriram September 22, 2009

Awesome! I was really looking for this.

Now, Extend this article to receive tweets as SMS using Google SMS Channels. I started it. It great to receive tweets as common SMSes.

Thanks for this ReadTwit.

Sriram Gullapalli

sauravjit September 22, 2009

Nice info…. πŸ™‚