44 most commonly used shortforms/abbreviations while chatting on Facebook


Chatting on Facebook is the fastest way to communicate on the world’s largest social networking website. And to make it even more faster we have started using abbreviations of words we write. Most of them are the commonly used short forms and everyone must be familiar with it. But sometimes other person uses such abbreviations which you might not be familiar with. So just update your mind’s dictionary with the list given below.

  1. ASAP: As Soon As Possible
  2. ASL: Age/ Sex/ Location
  3. B4: Before
  4. B4U: Before You
  5. BRB: Be Right Back
  6. BTW: By The Way
  7. B/W: Between
  8. Cuz: Because (most commonly used on FacebooKnol as well 😛 )
  9. FYI: For Your Info
  10. FB: Facebook
  11. GM: Good Morning
  12. GN: Good Night
  13. GNASD: Good Night and Sweet Dreams
  14. IDK: I don’t Know
  15. IM: Instant Message
  16. JK: Just Kidding
  17. K: Okay
  18. L8: Late
  19. LOL: Laugh out Loud
  20. LMAO: Laugh my ass of
  21. LMFAO: Laugh my f**king ass off
  22. LMK: Let Me Know
  23. L8r: Later
  24. M/F? : Male or Female?
  25. Msg: Message
  26. Pls: Please
  27. Plz: Please
  28. PM me: Private Message me (send me a Private Message)
  29. Ppl: People
  30. r: are
  31. Rly: Reply (can also be used Really)
  32. SD: Sweet Dreams
  33. tht: that
  34. Thx: Thanks
  35. Tnx: Thanks
  36. Txt: Text
  37. TY: Thank You
  38. Ttly: Talk to you later
  39. u: you
  40. ur: your
  41. u’ll: you will
  42. wtf:  What the f**k
  43. wth: What the hell
  44. zzz: Sleeping

This is a list of commonly used abbreviations and there are thousands of such abbreviations used while chatting. Obviously we can’t post all of them here and it’s of no use either cuz it’s of no use and it confuses the other person while chatting. But chatting by using these given short forms makes it really short and cool as well. We have a list of some hidden Facebook smileys too. Subscribe to updates of this blog via e-mail to get it first 😉

I hope u r gettin me, do tell us wht do u think 😛


Madhav Vyas June 23, 2010

stfu – shut the f**k up

TAV September 24, 2010

I personally love this 1… ;-P

Irma M September 22, 2012

What is MUAH?

sauravjit September 22, 2012

It’s a kiss

bhavya October 15, 2013

‘Muah’ is an onomatopoeic word. I.e a word when pronounced sounds similar to its meaning. (that is a kiss in this context)..more examples: phew, meow, hiss, bam, wham, tsk.

Esteban October 24, 2010

G good

nicz December 5, 2010

NP-no problem

Laura December 8, 2010

M/F? : Male or Female?

….shouldn’t you know these people?

Sunnie January 22, 2011

Does anyone have any idea what this means?? LMFGAL TAO
This was posted by my young daughters b/f on his wall after watching a youtube video.

jess February 17, 2011

bms – Blew my s**t

jess February 17, 2011

smh – shaking my head.

Himadri Dimri February 17, 2011

Nice 🙂

selena February 25, 2011

gr8 – great

shaizy February 27, 2011

Amazing INfOrMaTiON………….

Himadri Dimri February 27, 2011

You are welcome shaizy

Skip March 31, 2011

OMG- Oh my god
ROFL- Rolling On Floor Laughing

Sauravjit March 31, 2011


lama April 27, 2011

roflmfao-rollin on floor laughing my f**kin ass out

judy May 9, 2011

How about bc – bull crap

Goktehni May 16, 2011

atm-at the moment
fml-fuk my life

Arun Chaudhary June 9, 2011

f9:- fine

Arun Chaudhary June 9, 2011


Arun Chaudhary June 9, 2011

How about bc – bull crap

kris June 24, 2011

TBH- To Be Honest

Tia Cooper June 27, 2011

2DF: to damn funny.

kate July 31, 2011

what’s the abbreviation Mtsa?

Isaac Kingsley Ampiaw August 15, 2011

10x – thanks

Sauravjit August 16, 2011

20x-welcome 🙂

titsa anar October 4, 2011


hrithik October 7, 2011

sup- wassup

Haritima Singh October 13, 2011

<3ly = lovely
Omg = Oh My Gosh

suraj October 13, 2011


tina October 14, 2011

tp-time pass

ishank batra October 20, 2011

wht iz d full form of MP,TQ

sauravjit October 20, 2011

My Pleasure, Thank You 🙂

HARWINDER October 28, 2011

what does gtg means

Aditya Kane October 29, 2011

Usually it means Got to Go. 😀

shex November 4, 2011

Jic for just in case

Sid November 7, 2011

IDK- I don’t know

tam December 23, 2011

whats hmu?

sauravjit December 23, 2011

Hit Me Up..

niya December 23, 2011

whats ANM??

olivia January 3, 2012

hbu-how bout you

ashima January 4, 2012

COL- Cry Out Loud

Melisa January 10, 2012

What is R|P??

leo January 12, 2012

rest in peace

Steve January 29, 2012

Anybody tell me what is LMS AND TBH is?

zelda May 5, 2012

Like My Status/ To be honest

Jilliezz23 July 15, 2012

its means Like My Status && To Be Honest 🙂

FemiNa March 5, 2012

KMN :kill me now!

Onelove March 25, 2012

I just had to search google for lml….& they said it was “laughing mad loud”….lmao & lol seem fine to me…why the need to come up with this one…wasn’t there something cooler to come up with???

Connie Toney May 14, 2012

There is nothing wrong with the shortcuts the kids use. In my opinion, the “f” word is totally unnecessary and instead of lmao, why can’t they use lmbo, (laughing my butt off) Why must they use foul laungage? However, when I am trying to read one of these emails it does give me a headache, I have to get my reference material out so I can look up what is being said. “RIF-LMBO” 😉

BTW: thx for the list.

Barbara Deola-Barish October 25, 2012

I agree with Connie. There must be something that can be done about the foul language and should not be allowed on FB.

pallavi March 16, 2013

for us kids its not really as offensive as it is to u
its just the way we hear everyone taking and we tend to start using these words.
i am just saying that its not as bad as most adults say it is

Mark May 18, 2012

gud/gd – Good

CQ May 20, 2012

What does #rns mean?

richa kumar May 20, 2012

jas- just a sec…!!! 🙂

brittany July 1, 2012

imu- i muss u
luv love u

aashi July 14, 2012

tbqh – to be quite honest

and tbh – to be honest

cindy August 13, 2012

Kmsl: killing myself laughing

Emma February 13, 2013

😎 – cool
8-l – nerdy
😡 – my lips are sealed

krithika April 3, 2013

5ne – fine
dat – that
hd – had
ltr – later
frm – from
there r mre n more

Saurav Sikarwara July 25, 2014

What’s” XOXO”?