5 Google Products That Need to be Integrated With Google+

The world of social media was never as busy and interesting as it is . Google+ is the new kid around and it is already (thanks largely to being a Google product) giving jitters to Twitter and Facebook. If Google+ keeps improving I reckon it could even put some very prominent tech companies out of business.

Google has some great services which are not integrated with Google+. I think the 5 services below will give Google+ and edge no other social network has.


#1. Google Docs

google_docs_gplusSimple way to share documents on Google+ is by sharing a link to it and making the document public. But if Google Docs was integrated with Google+, where people could share a document with a circle or even individuals it would be quite handy.

Social sharing of documents could also give a boost to Google Docs like Picasa got a boost after being integrated with Google+.

#2. Google Search

Google_search_gplusAt the moment, we can only search for profiles on Google+. A nice search feature which would combine Google Realtime results to allow people searching for latest trending public updates would be great.

A real deep level of search is needed on Google+, to really unleash the opportunity for people to discover new content via Google+.

#3. Google Groups

Google_groups_gplusNot many people use Google Groups but it has a some great features for people looking to share and create mini-communities. It could truly rival Facebook Groups. If Google Groups could be integrated with Google+, people could have interactive communities.

#4. Blogger

blogger_gplusGoogle has ramped up a lot of features on Blogger. There are also rumours that Blogger might be rebranded Google Blogs. I think Blogger can be integrated with Google to allow verified brands. Using Blogger integration would allow users a lot more interactive brand pages than say what exists on Facebook. Facebook Pages are quite restrictive that way.

#5. Google Analytics

Google_analytics_gplusGoogle Analytics is a powerful tool to track traffic. Just imagine having data on which photo shared or post shared was viewed the most amount of times. Imagine what brand managers could do with Google Analytics integrated with a social network like Google+.

What are your views on Google Plus? Do you think there are other Google services which need to be integrated into Google+. Do drop in your comments and let me know.


keshav August 29, 2011

You forgot about Google reader. Gooelge reader ‘ share’ share should automatically shared on G+. Also same true with youtube.

Aditya Kane August 29, 2011

Thanks Keshav, that is a very good suggestion on Google Reader. YouTube in a way is integrated with Google Hangouts.

Priyangshu August 30, 2011

Yeah , very nice post dude ! These products must be integrated with Google plus !