Comparison of User Statistics of Facebook and Twitter in 2010

Did you know that women use more Facebook than men? According to a recent study on Facebook infograhics it is clearly mentioned that 54% of women enjoy Facebooking in compared to men who surf the Facebook pages by 46%.

Did you know that women use more Facebook than men? According to a recent study on Facebook infograhics it is clearly mentioned that 54% of women enjoy Facebooking in compared to men who surf the Facebook pages by 46%.

What do you think the reason will be? Recently a study showed the real statistics of people who use Facebook and twitter. Facebook out stands Twitter by having more than 500 million users whereas  Twitter has 106 million users only.

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As you can in the image above, a lot of comparisons have been made. 88% of people are aware of Facebook, 41% login everyday, 30% use their mobiles to login, 12% update their status everyday and many more.

Facebook and twitter have become a part of our lives. If I am made to leave Facebook for even a day, I don’t think I will be able to do that. What are your views? Share them with me through comments below.