Google+ Circles can be Shared Publicly

I mainly use Google Plus to connect with close friends from school and follow some very influential bloggers and tech enthusiasts. Being a blogger, I have a Google+ Circle where I have added many Google employees. This is mainly to stay updated on what is new from Google.

Google+ has introduced a feature which allows sharing of Circles. Just look up your Google+ Circles and click on it to see new option for sharing it.


A user can share this Circle with a single friend, other Circles or even publicly.


Why Google+ Circle Sharing is significant?

Usually being social is about having groups with similar interests interact with each other a lot. One to one sharing is fine but not as socially significant. I mean we can share one to one via email too. đŸ˜›

The part of sharing circles makes sense as people accepting these Circles can also edit it further by adding or removing certain accounts. Considering Google+ is now open to all, it will now have to add a lot of features to make sure it keeps attracting a decent number of people.

Also with Facebook keeping up the pressure with new updates and features, Google+ will surely need more innovation, like sharing of circles to compete well.

I wonder if allowing a search feature for looking up publicly shared Circles would be a great idea. Do drop in your comments and views.