Preview Google Fonts on Current Webpage You are Viewing

Web designers spend a lot of time looking up different fonts on their website that can be used. Fonts are very important for two reasons. First is that a good font allows users to read content on the website without any issue. Also the font styling usually should also fit in with the general theme of the website.

If you are using Chrome, Google Font Previewer looks like a great extension. It allows the user to look up different fonts and styling on the website you are viewing on your browser.

Google Font Previewer Features

Download the Font Previewer extension on your Chrome browser. Now while on any page your are viewing, you click on Previewer icon.

  • A pop-up will allow you to tweak the fonts family and text styling to play around on the webpage your are viewing.
  • We can even specify a CSS selector and most impressively a HTML code is ready for developers to paste into their website.

If you are looking up fonts for your website – this extension is a probably the most handy one around on Chrome. Do give it a try and drop in your comments.

Link: Google Font Previewer

Related: 4 Tools to Compare Installed Fonts


Artykuły June 29, 2012

I use Firebug for mozilla – it shows every css style.

Aditya Kane July 1, 2012

Firefox is great too especially if you are really into designing. This extension works great to do some only the fly checking of fonts on a webpage. Also it might be a great way for clients to look through different fonts on a test page.