India Site Clinic 2012 – Register Your Site and Get Free Advice From Google!

Whenever someone starts blogging there comes a time when they come across the term ‘SEO’. Search engine optimization best practices actually end up changing with every site.

It all really boils down to the nature of the website and also the type of content on it. If you are a blogger, I am sure you must have secretly wished for a Google employee to actually take a look and give you some advise on what are the best ways to get your site crawled and results show up higher on Google.

With India Site Clinic that is exactly what Google will be doing for website owners.

What is India Site Clinic?

Website owners can registered for India Site Clinic, which will pick up a limited number and give advise on how to improve search rankings for all the websites.

Webmasters have to register at this link and fill out the form. They will also need to make sure their website is registered with Google Webmaster tools.

The submission are open only upto 14th May 2012. It might be a good idea to take a chance at getting free valuable advice from Google about your website.

Do note that if Google thinks your website has a unique issue, it might use it as a test case on it Site Clinic blog. You can read more about it at the Google India blog post.

Other than registering it might be a good idea to follow India Site Clinic just to learn what exactly Google expects from website owners.

Do drop in your comments.

Related: Get Suggestions from Google to Improve Page Load Speed


sheshnath May 4, 2012

thanks a lot for such a nice and free information…
it will really going to help many bolg owners to get good ranking….

jijo john May 5, 2012

I registered there.Google is rocking aditya.awesome post

Rajeel KP May 5, 2012

Thanks for this really nice info mate 😛

Nilkanth May 5, 2012

Thanks a lot…..

Mason Disick May 6, 2012

OK i filled the form. When they will contact? It’s great news for us, I hope my health site will be approved soon.

Ritu May 12, 2012

I have already filled the form but didn’t got any reply…

Aditya Kane May 16, 2012

The sites are approved or not will be told by Google India itself. They might present some websites with interesting problems as test cases on their Google India blog.