Google+ Sign-In: Registration and Authentication tool for 3rd party apps

Google introduces Google+ Sign-in a feature that will allows app and web developers to allow users to register/signup and share from their Google+ accounts

Google has announced a new feature for app and website developers. It is called Google+ sign-in, which allows users to sign-up/register with apps and websites. This is possibly the first big step towards seeing a lot more of Google+ outside the Google ecosystem. In other words, it will compete with Facebook Connect.

Google Plus Sign-in Features

What exactly is Google+ Sign-in about

Google authentication is already a feature that is used by many websites. But a lot of them prefer using Facebook, mainly because it helps the app get social.

With Google+ Sign-in, the app user can share stuff based on their Google+ Circles. This can be done through interactive labels like Check-in, Subscribe, Download and many more.

Google+ also suggests that they are against social spamming. Basically that is taking a swipe at Facebook. Facebook’s friction-less sharing from apps was a unpopular idea.

Google is in much better position to leverage Google+ Sign-in compared to Facebook connect because it has its own mobile platform, search engine, email service, maps and Google Play, a store for apps.


Resources for Developers

If you are a developer, then you might like looking through this handy guide for Google+ Sign-in feature.

Developers can also additionally check out their sample app called PhotoHunt, which demonstrates all features of Google+ Sign-in.

Here is a quick question for you! If you visit a website and come across a Facebook connect button and a Google+ Sign-in button. Which one will you use? Do drop in your comments.

One Comment

Ravi kumar March 2, 2013

It is a amazing development by Google. In earlier days, we only have some options like login with Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn. Now we have login with Google+ too.

One thing I have in my mind that, if how Google+ share our information to third party websites. As Google already in an issue sharing personal data.