Making New Orkut Compatible With Higher Resolution on Widescreen Monitors!

If you have have either widescreen monitors (like 15.4″ TFT) or resolution with width > 1024 then you might have noticed some free space as shown in following screenshot…

Orkut Wasting space on widescreen monitors
(click on image for fullscreen view)

If you hate Orkut wasting your screen space then you can use this greasemonkey script created by Gaurav Verma. It will fix Orkut width and it will look like as shown in following screenshot…

Orkut width fixed for widescreen monitors
(click on image for fullscreen view)


Thanks Gaurav for fixing this!


Gaurav verma September 26, 2007

First of all Thanks for blogging about this !! u have a gr8 blog.

also, I have released some more scripts that you may find it useful,have a look at them.

Rahul Bansal October 5, 2007

Hello Gaurav,
first sorry for late reply! šŸ™

Also I have gone through other scripts and they r nice!
Will post about them soon! šŸ™‚

Gaurav Verma May 8, 2009

i have published a detailed description to view orkut on widescreen while using google chrome at

have a look at it.Also,Also,i have updated my blog,it has now moved to Can you please updated your links for that too.

Gaurav Verma

Rahul Bansal May 12, 2009

Fixed your links. šŸ™‚
Congrats on moving to your own domain and wordpress. šŸ™‚

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