Orkut Open Social Apps Available in India Finally

Orkut open social apps

As we have discussed it earlier, orkut open social apps finally arrived in India.

Just noticed on my orkut homepage as shown in screenshot above, India has been chosen by Orkut second country after Estonia to unveil Orkuts open social apps.

Nevertheless no matter from which country you are, you can change your country to Estonia and now India to enjoy this cool apps. (Read more…)

It will be too early to say anything about Orkut Apps so soon, but as of now only thing I like notably that orkut apps don’t force you to invite 20 friends like facebook.

Anyway you can add these apps to your account by clicking on edit link as highlighted in following screenshot.

Orkut open socail apps link

Let us know what you think about these orkut apps? Will they really enhance your orkutting experience or will just clutter orkut profiles?

Update: Just read on Orkut official blog, there is limit of 25 apps a user can add.

Related Links: Beginners Guide to Orkut Apps | First Orkut App


darshan April 18, 2008

Hi Rahul bhai……Orkut made apps available 4 India…..what abour USA??????:(

Rahul Bansal April 24, 2008

First sorry for late reply buddy.. 🙁
Well I hope US must be next in the order.
Act I feel they should be made available globally for all users now. 🙂

Manoj April 3, 2009

I can’t send any scrp’s in orkut by using mobile. I can access orkut & view everything scrps/updates/pic’s but can’t send any scrap, why ???

Rahul Bansal April 3, 2009

If problem is with mobile version only then I can’t say much.
But if you find same problem while accessing orkut from PC, you may like to check this article.