Orkut Pics Enlarger Script!

After long time I have written a GreaseMonkey script for orkut! As usual, this is only for firefox users! (Need help)

This script is for all orkut user having firefox!

This one basically replaces, all small pictures in orkut with their bigger counterpart!

It does not resizes pictures locally BUT fetches bigger picture from orkut server automatically!

Lemme give u a small example!

When you open say ur scrapbook, u see ur friends small image beside scrap!
But when you click on his profile, you will get a bigger image in his profile!
This script just replaces smaller images with their bigger counterpart!

This is for all orkuttians to whom looks matter! 😀

Firefox + GreaseMonkey

Click here to install the script!
(Note: You no need to restart your browser or relogin to orkut if you are already logged in)

Just refresh orkut pages and you will get the enlarged pics! For further help, feel free to comment!


Arun Nandi April 5, 2007

Nice one.. But, can this script be restricted to scrapbooks?!

Rahul Bansal April 8, 2007

Of course we can do it dude. We can restrict it to any no. of pages.

1. Open Firefox.
2. There will be a small GreaseMonkey icon in lower-right corner. Right-Click on that.
3. A menu will open. Select “Manage User Scripts” option.
4. A window will open now with title “Manage User Scripts” listing all user scripts.
5. Select “Orkut Pics Enlarger” script.
6. On right side (in same window) you will get two lists – Included Pages & Excluded Pages.
7. There will be an entry titled http://*.orkut.com/* in Included Pages list.
8. Select the above entry an click on Edit option beside it!
9. Now change http://*.orkut.com/* to http://*.orkut.com/Scrapbook* and hit OK!

You can restrict any GreaseMonkey script in this way to any pages!

(p.s. Sorry for late reply)

Chaitanya April 12, 2007

Nice script…Can u extend this to the community pics also…u have to replace ‘klien’ by ‘mittel’ in the source….thx

Rahul Bansal April 19, 2007

There is no ‘klein’ in source!
by d way with above steps u can extend or restrict any greasemonkey script to any page!

Try this and lemme know if u need further help!:-)

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jassu August 31, 2007

guys…..i think this script is’nt working with the new orkut look……plzz look into this n update the code…plzzzzzzzz

Rahul Bansal August 31, 2007

As of now I have updated codes for submitting scrap only! 🙂
Other codes will be changed in a week!
(act running out of time) 🙁

Vysakh October 13, 2007

hey am not able to download the script…i think there is an error……………….

Rahul Bansal October 22, 2007

Sorry for late reply! 🙁
What kind of error message u got!
Please specify it so we can help as there is no problem as such with script… just tested it! 🙂

Abhimanyu March 15, 2008

How to Uninstall This :- Orkut Pics Enlarger Script
Please Reply …………………………..