Social Media Management has become an important factor these days, to keep a track of your business in real-time and to attract unique customers to your website/service. Mashable has nominated the following 5 tools in the ‘Best Social Media Management Tools’ category for the Mashable Awards 2010, which is to be held next week at CES 2011.
Here are 2010’s Favorite social media management tools. Guys at Mashable carried out a voting process out of which 5 were selected.
Today’s most popular tool for keeping track of tweets, photo tweeting and managing friends and followers. It does not have the ability to add tabs, and its speed with respect to refresh rate, interface etc. is way slower than its closest competitor HootSuite. It does not support scheduling tweets at a certain time, unlike HootSuite.
HootSuite supports a lot of features not supported by TweetDeck such as scheduled tweets, additional social networks (MySpace, Pingfm, WordPress, Linkedin) and multiple accounts and users. It shows a better performance than TweetDeck in terms of display of statistics and speed. As far as the features, usability, support for other social networks is concerned, HootSuite wins hands down against TweetDeck.
3.Who Unfollowed Me
This is a web-based application for twitter which can tell you which people unfollowed you from your twitter account. One has to sign in with his/her twitter account from this website and simply click on check unfollowers to know who unfollowed you recently. You can also check out the people who you followed, but did not follow you back.
Ubervu deals with community metrics and analytics. When you search for something on Ubervu, it returns complete record of conversations on one single page including comments to the post from all over the Web – WordPress, Twitter, Digg, FriendFeed, Reddit, Facebook, YouTube, Picassa and many more. UberVU can easily keep track of and interact with the people who search for your business/website, by giving you great tools and analytics oriented around the UberVu community. However, this service is not free and can be used for first 14 days as free trial.

According to WildFireApp, 50% of online users like to enter sweepstakes or contests atleast once a month. This is why, WildFireApp provides the user to create their own interactive promotions such as contests, sweepstakes, coupons, giveaways using their step-by-step promotion builder. This helps the users to promote their businesses via social networks. WildFireApp also provides analytics and metrics to analyse the promotions.
After reviewing the above tools there were some other tools which ought to be on that list.
Do check out these as well.
Drop in your reviews and comments !
Hey Omkar nice blog, quite good info. I am using this Chrome extension YOONO for last few days and it also brings almost all the Social networking sites at one place. Its quite gud.
Thanks for the suggestion Kunal. I did check out Yoono but it does lack 2 key features- one that of scheduling FB statuses and tweets, and the other of shrinking links, both of which can be done on Hootsuite. Although it is very easy to use and connects you to a number of networks including youtube 🙂
Tweetbig is TERRIBLE. Shady marketing practices and services don’t live up to their promise.
First, it says try FREE, but once you’ve gone through the set-up, they want $1 for first week and to lock you into a subscription.
I created a trouble ticket with 4 issues on it. They addressed only one issue and told me it was working normally.
Their FAQ states that if you cancel your membership, including trial, before it’s expired you will continue to receive the services for the time you’ve already paid for. But when I cancelled my trial after 4 days (3 remaining), they turned off all the services for my account.
Told them I was going to do a chargeback for the $1 on principle and they issued a refund.
Terribly shady company. Buyer beware.