Video Maps: A new way to find city directions

Are you tired of asking driving directions when on the roads? Well, GPS can be an option for you but what if, you can not afford it? With Vidteq, you can find your way through. Vidteq is a Bangalore-based start-up on a mission to help people with driving directions and locating business centers.

image Are you tired of asking driving directions when on the roads? Well, GPS can be an option for you but what if, you can not afford it?

With Vidteq, you can find your way through. Vidteq is a Bangalore-based start-up on a mission to help people with driving directions and locating business centers.


Vidteq provides driving directions and business search with following features:

  • Video maps
  • Digital maps
  • Images
  • Text directions
  • Send directions on email
  • Send directions on SMS
  • Search from your mobile using SMS


Vidteq provides unique and innovative navigation concept based on Video Maps. Video Maps are rich navigable maps built on a traditional digital map. It offers a video clip of the complete route between source and destination with business logos, background music, turn-by-turn audio overlay and road names embedded into it.

If you are driving and someone (or GPS direction) tells you to take a particular road, say – “Old Mysore Road”, it would still have been easy to follow the directions, provided all the streets were marked with clearly visible street nameplates. That is usually not the case in the smaller cities of India. This is where the video maps would come in handy.

Vidteq currently supports content only for Bangalore and provides a list of prominent businesses, points of interest with their accurate location and also their photographs.

So, all those in Bangalore can explore the streets, i.e. virtually navigate through the streets using the video clips and find out what is where even before you step out of the door.

Hope to see Vidteq rolling out such maps for other cities of India soon.

Link: Vidteq


Gautam May 23, 2009

Indian Street View 😛

Pranav Gupta May 23, 2009

Gonna be a gr8 service after support for other states will be added………..

Abhishek Kumar May 24, 2009

too slow 🙁

gopi October 4, 2009

@Gautam : sorry they have no paranomic view.. but street view with lotta limitations…