View Tweets Hierarchically using Tweetree

twitter_logo With Twitter users growing day by day, there are a tons of Twitter applications being developed every day with some uniqueness and specialty as compared to the others. The application I am talking about today – tweetree is worth using atleast once by every twitter fans.

As the name goes, when requested, tweets by any specified user will be put in a tree. Using this will really help when you want to spy any oneโ€™s twitter stream as it does not require his/her password before creating the hierarchical view of the required twitter stream. All you need to do is, just visit and enter the id of the person that you want to generate hierarchical view for. If you want to quickly have a look on how the result would be, just open up my twitter streamโ€™s tree view.

Link: Tweetree

Related: Twitter Explained in Plain English


Gautam January 12, 2009

Nice share ๐Ÿ™‚
I had started using Twitter from a couple of days back only. ๐Ÿ˜›

Deepak Jain January 12, 2009

@ Gautam
Thanks dude ๐Ÿ™‚
BTW users of twitter are growing rapidly and so are its apps..

p@r@noid January 15, 2009

@ Deepak nice find…
Great to see some nice post on twitter here.
For other you can follow me on Twitter

Deepak Jain January 17, 2009

Thanks dude..
About following you on Twitter, I am already doing so ๐Ÿ™‚