What if Gabbar Singh was on Facebook ?

Yes, what if Gabbar Singh was on Facebook? How would his Facebook profile look like ? Well I found this image on internet so thought of sharing with you all. Have a look at the image and let me know what you think of it. :)

Yes, what if Gabbar Singh was on Facebook? How would his Facebook profile look like ? Well I found this image on internet so thought of sharing with you all. Have a look at the image and let me know what you think of it. 🙂

It’s really funny to see Gabbar’s likes and friends. 🙂 This is a nice example of creativity. I think almost anything can be done with Photoshop. 🙂 What say !


Rabby Bhuiyan April 20, 2011

hahhaah..Funny !

rose mary wagchuk October 20, 2011

Very very intresting and funny…..thank u for this creation…