How to deal with useless/repetitive updates in Facebook News Feed

With the last change in Facebook design, the News Feed or the homepage of Facebook has started showing useless update of friends and subscriptions. This is because Facebook algorithm automatically selects friends for top feed resulting into more frequent updates from people we hardly know and lesser updates of closed ones.

Another problem with the updates is that the News Feed is mixing up recent and highlighted stories due to which some important updates are getting skipped. We’ll tell you how you can make your News Feed updates better to get relevant updates. Below are some changes you can do on your profile.

Sorting Updates:

On the top of News Feed there’s a link ‘Sort’. Click on that link and select ‘Recent Stories First’ from the drop down list. By default it’s ‘Highlighted Stories First’.







Unhighlight useless updates:

You can unhighlight updates that are not much important for you. You will see a Blue Triangle with some updates which means that update is highlighted one. Facebook automatically selects such updates for you.












To change such updates either click on the Blue Triangle or Click on the arrow to open a drop down list as shown above. Do following changes:

  1. Click this link remove a story from top post. If you unhighlight a story it will be a normal update without any special priority.
  2. ‘Hide Story’ is used for removing a single post. This can be used to hide an abusive pic or content.
  3. ‘Subscribe to’ can be used to select priority of updates from a particular friend. Select ‘All Updates’ if that Facebook friend is close to you or you want to read more frequent updates from that user. ‘Most Updates’ is the default option. ‘Only Important’ will show selected updates from those friends.
  4. ‘Unsubscribe’ can be used to completely stop receiving updates from a particular friend. You can select this option for people you don’t know personally.

After these changes you will see a better updates in your News Feed. These changes are highly useful for you if you’re having a larger number of people as your Facebook friends.